我的机子上装了2002和2007,可原来用2002做的图用2007修改后,在2002下打开后复制粘贴不了(文字可以复制粘贴,但图面上的东西都复制粘贴不了,粘贴显示是空白的),这是什么原因?是不是不兼容的问题?2007我设置是... 这个问题不是CAD2002与CAD2007兼容的问题。针对这个问题,目前官方已经有了修复程序(Cut and Paste Hotfix)。以下是引用官方网站上的内容,虽然是英文,但是理解起来很容易。大家可以自己按照提示步骤进行操作:
针对这个问题,目前官方已经有了修复程序(Cut and Paste Hotfix)。以下是引用官方网站上的内容,虽然是英文,但是理解起来很容易。大家可以自己按照提示步骤进行操作:
Cut and Paste Hotfix(关于热补丁)
This hotfix will correct a problem where cut and paste, copy and paste, block and insert, wblock and insert, and drag and drop operations fail in drawings that are saved in AutoCAD® 2000 and AutoCAD Release 14 file formats.
Description of Problem(问题说明)
If you open or create a file in AutoCAD 2007 and save it in AutoCAD 2000 or AutoCAD Release 14 file formats and then open the drawing in AutoCAD 2000, 2000i, 2002 or AutoCAD Release 14 and attempt to cut and paste, copy and paste, block and insert, wblock and insert, or drag and drop objects, then these operations will fail.
Installation Instructions(安装说明)
To install the Cut and Paste Hotfix
步骤1 Close the affected application(s).
步骤2 Find the acdb17.dll file in your product install folder; for example, c:\program files\AutoCAD 2007.
步骤3 Check the version of acdb17.dll.
(1) Right-click acdb17.dll ; click Properties > Version tab. Note the file version.
(2)If the version is greater than or equal to, you already have this hotfix. Do not attempt to apply the version of the .dll associated with this hotfix or you could potentially overwrite other hotfixes.
(3)If the version of the .dll is less than then proceed with the installation of this hotfix.
步骤4 Rename the following file:
Right-click acdb17.dll and rename it as acdb17.bak.
步骤5 Download the acdb17.dll to your product install folder.
Note: If you need to remove this hotfix, simply delete the new acdb17.dll file that you downloaded to the product install folder and restore the file you renamed in step 4 to its original name.