什么是安捷(ANZEX)? 安捷是“切底锚栓系统(UNDERCUT ANCHOR SYSTEM)”的简称。使用安捷,可消除锚栓的滑动、拔出现象,获得理想的锚栓施工工艺,确保具有超常耐久的高信赖性和极其稳定的施工品质。ANZEX undercut anchor sytem realizes ideal anchor works that prevent anchor bolts from sliding and slipping off.
ANZEX undercut anchor sytem realizes ideal anchor works that prevent anchor bolts from sliding and slipping off.
- ANZEX Undercut anchor system realizes ideal anchor works that prevent anchor bolts from sliding or slipping off.
- In order to deliver full performance of an anchor, use our Pilot bit for making pilot holes close to a perfect roundness.
- Execution of various anchor works.
- See size table.
- Applicable electric drill: Electric hammer drills