2024年06月25日 11:28:29


以相遇代替孤独。活跃而非停滞。AllesWirdGut 公司与一个国际专家团队合作,在布拉迪斯拉发建造了高层住宅,开创性地营造了一种极具吸引力的建筑环境,加强了人与人之间的交流,而不是像许多地方那样冷漠无情。 Encounter instead of loneliness. Activity against stagnation. The residential high-rises realized in Bratislava by AllesWirdGut with the collaboration of an international team of experts establish a pioneering built-up environment attractive enough to strengthen human interaction over the rampant indifference found in many places.

以相遇代替孤独。活跃而非停滞。AllesWirdGut 公司与一个国际专家团队合作,在布拉迪斯拉发建造了高层住宅,开创性地营造了一种极具吸引力的建筑环境,加强了人与人之间的交流,而不是像许多地方那样冷漠无情。

Encounter instead of loneliness. Activity against stagnation. The residential high-rises realized in Bratislava by AllesWirdGut with the collaboration of an international team of experts establish a pioneering built-up environment attractive enough to strengthen human interaction over the rampant indifference found in many places.

该项目由一座 20 层的北塔和一座 17 层的南塔组成,中间还有一座 8 层高的连接建筑,十分醒目。作为首席建筑师,AllesWirdGut 除了对公寓(从小型单元到家庭公寓,再到带露台的公寓)进行规划外,还重点关注了带有独特立方体门廊的外立面设计。这种创造三维空间的建筑表皮层提供了宽敞的额外室外空间,并起到防晒、防风和防雨的作用。

Widely visible, the project is comprised of a 20-floor north tower and a 17-floor south tower with an eight-story high connecting building in between. Acting as design lead architects, AllesWirdGut focused their attention, aside from the planning of the apartments—from smaller units to family apartments, and to penthouses with terraces—on the fac?ade design with its distinctive cubiform loggias. The three-dimensional space-creating building skin layer provides generous additional outdoor floor space and offers protection against sun, wind, and rain.

内部的门厅有双倍的天花板高度,布局和设计宽敞大方,突出了公共使用空间的重要性。本着共同创造的精神,一个国际水准的项目团队与斯洛伐克开发商 CORWIN 合作,Transsolar 负责气候调节和建筑服务,MAN MADE LAND 负责景观设计,raum & kommunikation(与 AllesWirdGut 合作)负责创新的社交互动概念。

Inside, the foyers have double ceiling height and are generous and ample in layout and design, underscoring the importance of communal use spaces, as does the parking deck on top of the connecting middle building. In the spirit of co-creation a project team of international caliber was brought together in cooperation with the Slovak developer CORWIN, with Transsolar being responsible for climate conditioning and building services, MAN MADE LAND for the landscaping, and raum & kommunikation (together with AllesWirdGut) for innovative social interaction concepts.


The result is a lighthouse project robust enough to stand its ground amid the brownfield land in the northeast of the city. A design independent enough to outlast short-lived architectural fashions and to provide a model to emulate. A house intelligent enough to literally lift the significance of social and human interaction into a new sphere.







建筑师:AllesWirdGut Architektur


面积:21500 m2


摄影:tschinkersten fotografie  


