' 如果能把花草、树木、流水、光和风, 根据人们的意愿从自然界中提炼出来, 那么人间就接近于天堂了。' ——安藤忠雄 “ If you can combine flowers, trees, running water, light and wind,
' 如果能把花草、树木、流水、光和风,
“ If you can combine flowers, trees, running water, light and wind, Extracted from nature according to people's wishes, Then the world will be close to heaven ”
/ 项目概况 /
The project is located in the Huadiwan area of Guangzhou City - Guangzhou is a city of life, with a strong flavor of life and full of fireworks; Huadiwan is a natural place, and the Huadi River is intertwined to create a beautiful resort that is suitable for living and traveling. We We are trying to present you with an exclusive private high-end floral gift box.
▽ 建筑与墙体围合出简洁艺术的整体界面,通过绿化景观的植入,创造松弛治愈的空间。
The building and the wall form a simple and artistic overall interface. Through the implantation of green landscape, a relaxing and healing space is created.
Starlight Gallery - Boulevard
▽ 场地原生的大树在经历一年又一年中,汲取时间与自然的力量,绽放他的生命与活力,林下空间尽显通透与松弛。
The large native trees on the site absorb the power of time and nature year after year, blooming their life and vitality, and the space under the forest is full of transparency and relaxation.
▽ 场地入口,镜面水景搭配跳跃的涌泉,点缀星星点点的灯光,倒映着简洁的建筑与斜飘的造型树,营造宁静温暖的空间氛围,治愈疲惫与琐碎
At the entrance of the venue, the mirrored waterscape is paired with jumping springs, embellished with dots of lights, reflecting the simple architecture and slanting trees, creating a quiet and warm space atmosphere, healing fatigue and triviality
△ 入口橱窗中的巨型玫瑰装置,再现《小王子》故事 ,链接年轻人群体。 正是你为你的 玫瑰付出爱,使得你的玫瑰如此重要。
△ 建筑侧墙顶端开窗,透过玻璃望见窗外街道上原生大树的苍翠,枝叶的摩擦与低语,感受时光的痕迹,回归内心的平和与温暖
There is a window at the top of the side wall of the building. Through the glass, you can see the greenness of the native trees on the street, the friction and whisper of the branches and leaves, feel the traces of time, and return to inner peace and warmth.
△ 林荫之下可以尽情感受森氧的呼吸和斑驳光影的魅力
Under the shade of the trees, you can enjoy the breath of forest oxygen and the charm of mottled light and shadow.
自然与艺术结合 的美学- 前场空间
Starlight Gallery - Boulevard
▽ 拾级而上,是纵深感极强的通道性空间,线性的灯光指引着方向,归家的仪式感油然而生
Climbing up the stairs, there is a channel space with a strong sense of depth. Linear lights guide the direction, and the ritual feeling of returning home arises spontaneously.
▽ 视线的端点是深色的矮景墙,墙面上潺潺的跌水为宁静的空间增添一份灵动,两侧细腻的植物柔化景墙的边界,以独特的形态和颜色为空间增添一丝柔美和雅致。
The end point of the sight is the dark low landscape wall. The gurgling water on the wall adds a sense of agility to the quiet space. The delicate plants on both sides soften the borders of the landscape wall, adding a touch of softness to the space with unique shapes and colors. and elegance.
▽ 墙面上做开洞处理,,以框景的方式,使得室内外绿色流淌,光影交汇。
Holes are made on the wall to frame the scenery, allowing indoor and outdoor green to flow and light and shadow to intersect.
▽ 洽谈空间通过玻璃橱窗的方式,隔绝城市的喧嚣与浮躁,将室外的绿色自然与静谧松弛渗透入室内,共享阳光与绿意
The negotiation space uses glass showcases to isolate the hustle and bustle of the city, allowing the green nature and tranquility of the outdoors to penetrate indoors, sharing the sunshine and greenery.
▽ 燃一炉沉香,煮一杯茶汤,一人清欢,两人轻谈,杯温之余,缓解身心,感受松弛与治愈
Burn a stove of agarwood and brew a cup of tea. One person will have a good time and two people will chat. While the cup is warm, you can relax your body and mind and feel relaxed and healed.
Starlight Gallery - Boulev
▽ 精致静谧的私享中庭空间,以绿色为主基调色,通过种植鸢尾、肾蕨、迷迭香、六月雪、鼠尾草、百子莲等植物,模拟自然界中多种植物交错生长的状态形成自然野趣、治愈放松的氛围,搭配细杆冬青疏朗的林下空间,点缀质朴的块石,呈现出一种野趣的生机与活力
The exquisite and quiet private atrium space uses green as the main color. It is formed by planting iris, kidney fern, rosemary, June snow, sage, agapanthus and other plants to simulate the staggered growth of various plants in nature. The natural, wild, healing and relaxing atmosphere, combined with the sparse understory space of thin holly stems and decorated with rustic stones, presents a wild vitality and vitality.
▽ 连 廊 空间 为了避免封闭感,在艺术连廊顶部部分做镂空处理,透入天光,几枝细杆冬青向上伸展,露出摇曳的身姿,如同紧张生活中一个闲适放松的透气口
In order to avoid a closed feeling in the corridor space, the top part of the art corridor is hollowed out to let in the skylight. Several thin holly branches stretch upward, revealing a swaying figure, like a leisurely and relaxing vent in a stressful life.
▽ 层次丰富的地被植物,营造出一种松弛而有活力的氛围,绿叶在阳光下闪烁着银色的光辉,闲庭信步,如同穿行在一幅闲适安逸的画卷中
The rich layers of ground cover plants create a relaxing and energetic atmosphere. The green leaves sparkle with silver light in the sun. Walking around the garden is like walking through a leisurely and comfortable picture.