项目背景丨 Project Background 项目位于南京市溧水区无想山国家森林公园,场地植被丰茂,风景优美,一侧是环山道路和高耸的水杉林,一侧是竹林密布的连绵山峦。因景区发展更新需要,拟将原有的林场中队办公场所进行重建,并拓展出小型售卖服务、游客咨询和休憩等功能,使其成为一个园区管理和游览的节点驿站。同时业主在设计伊始就提出要求,希望能以一个合院为原型来进行操作。
项目背景丨 Project Background
The project is in Wuxiang Mountain National Forest Park, LishuiDistrict, Nanjing. The site has lush vegetation and beautiful scenery. One sideis a mountain road and towering Metasequoia forest, and one side is acontinuous mountain with dense bamboo forests. Due to the need for thedevelopment and renewal of the scenic area, it is planned to rebuild theoriginal forestry office space and expand the functions of small-scale salesservices, tourist consultation and rest, making it a node station for parkmanagement and tourism. At the same time, the owner put forward requirements atthe beginning of the design, hoping to use a courtyard as a prototype foroperation.
▲场地原貌,The original appearance of the venue
▲远景鸟瞰,distanced aerial view
The designbegins with the integration of relatively defined spatial layouts andfunctions. On the basis of the courtyard, we split the function into twoL-shaped parts, one part is the office-based internal space, the other part isthe tourist service-oriented external space. The two sections are dominated bythe two angled L-shaped slope roofs, which interlaced and twisted into eaves inthe inner courtyard. Finally, the amount of roof with the intention of stackingfront and back of traditional mountain forests is formed.
Thus, the landscape platforms and staggered folded roofs thatgradually raise and hide the walls become the main body of the organizationalspace, and together with the back mountains, they retreat and misplace eachother to fill the shortcomings of the mountain at the site, and show the levelof near, in some distance and far, so that the architecture and environment canbe better integrated.
Under thetreatment of this physical relationship, the facade of the building disappears,and the perception of the building by the visitors along the road has become alandscape terrace that conforms to the terrain and a layered roof thatstretches and floats. "Skylight" is introduced into the design as anelement that changes the internal lighting and guides the space trend. In thevolume related to the entrance and public areas, flat skylights and trapezoidalopenings introduce skylight, which can clearly guide the main space even whenthe facade is weakened. The lateral skylights are used in functional rooms suchas offices and restaurants. They can better meet the lighting requirements andat the same time reduce the impact of direct light on the use of space.
The completed building extends its space and weakens the sense ofvolume, and the gap between the eaves and the terrace "limits the field ofvision", allowing visitors to focus their feelings on the natural greeneryin the environment rather than the road. In the end, the building stands out asa tourist station with a traditional atmosphere and modern space experience inthe mountains and forests, intertwined with nature.
▲框景示意,frame view diagram