华润置地 · 惠州曦江润府 | 故事的小黄花
等三等 Lv.2
2024年06月13日 16:49:15




本案位于广东惠州,地处惠城区,毗邻西枝江。惠州是素有“半城山色半城湖”之称的“粤东门户”,苏轼曾谪居于此,写下不少赞颂惠州的诗篇名句,更是发出“不辞长作岭南人”的感叹。 立足当地岭南传统, 发挥江湾区位优势, 并从苏轼名句中摘取“江月”灵感,团队以“江湾月”主题,将自然与人文熔于一炉,打造当代江湾至美人居。明月悬空,江岸蜿蜒,黄花浮动,为理想生活提供适意空间。


立足当地岭南传统, 发挥江湾区位优势, 并从苏轼名句中摘取“江月”灵感,团队以“江湾月”主题,将自然与人文熔于一炉,打造当代江湾至美人居。明月悬空,江岸蜿蜒,黄花浮动,为理想生活提供适意空间。


The site is close to the native river bank, so the designers deliberately borrowed the river view in the proposal, visually incorporating the river bank into the park area. The openness of the Xizhi River stretches the space of the park and enhances the ambiance of the park. When the dusk envelops the riverbank, when the clouds hide into the darkness, the sunset of Xizhi River becomes a private scenery for the residents of the park.


The moon is rising as we pace from the riverside to the entrance of the park. The pure white moon turning corridor embraces with the lush forest, the asymmetry of the dynamic line is enough to produce some visual masking and create the ambiguity and mystery of the entrance. In the flowing gap, the corridor, green forest, light and shadow, moonlight, the landscape and nature live and breathe together, the layout of the park is hidden, outlining the poetry of the forest full of smoke and moon.


The Tabebuia chrysantha are the characteristic trees of the park, planted all along the paths to release their warmth and splendor. The flowering period is short in the mid-spring month, suggesting that human beings grasp the encounter and savor it. Shrubs, gravel, water and light, intertwine and merge, lightness and poise coexist, fragrance and breeze dance together, as if in a dream world.

娇艳的淡黄搭配青翠的草木,温暖又明亮。春日漫步在开满风铃花的小径上,感受静谧,享受治愈。 亮丽黄和极致灰的组合,沉静而不失温暖。情境和空间的结合,使快速通道变得有趣。花期过后,园区回归平静绿意。

The delicate pale yellow with the verdant grass is warm and bright. Feel the quietness and enjoy the healing as you stroll along the path full of bluebells on a spring day. The combination of bright yellow and extreme gray is calm and warm. The combination of mood and space makes the fast lane interesting. After the flowering period, the park returns to calm and green.


Between the planted Setaria viridis and Bald cypress , a lunar-shaped stone path is laid to correspond to the theme of the park: "The Moon in the Bay of Rivers". The red, yellow, brown and green colors of the Bald cypress are different in all seasons, which greatly enriches the temporality of the park.


The transparent glass flower house placed among the grassy slopes is a unique accent in the park. People can take a break from their busy lives and hide in their own little world here, listening to the flowers and insects and their inner voices.


The undulation of the lawn is simulating the ripples of the river bay, dotted and striped white vignettes are dotted for resting, and the elk sculpture brings a touch of liveliness and vibrancy to the park.


The designers took into account the recreational needs of the residents and set aside an open lawn area as a custom activity area. Here, you can stroll around, run around, or even organize a party, a cozy and comfortable picture of ideal life is just waiting for you to draw.


At the end of the path, a pool of water mirror quietly awaits people's arrival. The clear spring gushed out from the simple stone, the calm was broken by the flow, and between movement and stillness, the picture in the dream broke out of the mirror, and the heart's longing became reality.


The intertwined linkage of nature and design reveals the temperature and attitude of the landscape people. Walk through the garden and feel the intersection of landscape, forest and river and moon. The end of the dream is where the heart is.




