静安中的绿宝石 | 华润嘉兴·静安府
2024年06月12日 16:55:45

作品栖息于自身之中宁静的本质,让我们安居诗意的创造。 ——海德格尔《人,诗意的栖居》 The serene nature of the work inhabits itself,  allowing us to dwell in poetic creation.



The serene nature of the work inhabits itself, 

allowing us to dwell in poetic creation.

--Heidegger, The poetic dwelling of mankind.

静:谓心不妄动。安:谓所处而安。静安:心平静不妄动才能够安定。“静安”能涵养如同水流一般生生不息的心态,“静安”亦能够让人提高自身的境界,超越凡尘俗世的束缚。 设计从避世的心灵居所出发,推敲空间“静安”的雅序格调,同时注入了代表平静安宁、优雅舒适的绿色。

Quiet: It means that the mind does not move rashly. An: Peace of mind and peace of mind. Jing'an: The mind does not move rashly, just like the flow of water, and "Jing'an" can also guide and improve one's own state, transcending the shackles of the mundane world.   


Around the core "Lvyu Jade", there are spaces such as "Biying Ya Gallery", "Jade Jewelry", "Senjing Huayu", etc., and integrate the most suitable venues and different forms in a contemporary design language. Elegant and green, it creates a Jing'an emerald journey as a whole.

Stepping into the hotel-style lobby, you first create a hazy picture. Light, tree shadows, and mirror water pass through the hollowed-out curtains, bringing infinite reverie. A barrier to say goodbye to the complicated world, making returning home a vacation.


The core of the project is an emerald-like emerald-like water courtyard space. Through a unified design language and functional combination, it encloses an introverted and exquisite Jingan environment.


The bottom of the pool uses forest green, just like a green jade inlaid in the earth.

The floating Lvyu water platform is interspersed with the layers of falling water, creating a fluid spatial relationship with the building box.


Three drops of water, layer by layer, each layer has a water system flowing through it.
Above the triple drop, there are four green plants on the island of black tallow. These four ebony trees with full crowns were carefully selected from thousands of saplings. Hidden in the natural world, enjoying the Jing'an Lingquan Realm.


In the transition between the front and the back, the temperature of the light and shadow passes through the hollow below the scene wall, and the shadows are splendid, arousing people's desire to explore.


A thin spring flows into the water platform from the emerald-like landscape wall, and there is a murmur of water in my ears. The dancing shadows of the trees are in harmony with the reflections in the water, presenting another dimension of viewing nature.


One side of the wind and rain corridor is inlaid with an emerald-like high-level customized sequence waterscape, and you can enjoy the ultimate Jing'an homecoming ceremony.


The unique irregular texture of emerald-like stone, matched with deep green, contains the magnificence and magic of nature, exudes a classic charm, and gives the space a full, calm and agile taste.

Around the water courtyard, an art collection pan club dedicated to Jing'an aesthetics is arranged. The infusion of art makes the space present a meaning that transcends another dimension of vision. To create half life, half scenery.
Architecture and landscape are integrated and interspersed with each other. The natural texture of stone reflects the elegant artwork, condensing Jing’an aesthetics and space imagination, and interpreting Jing’an elegance in a modern context.
Listening to the wind in the forest, drinking in front of the spring, enjoying a comfortable leisure place, half a volume of idle books and a pot of tea. Spiritual awareness leads to tranquility, to infinity.

以自然肌理构成井然有序的基调,把行人引至   静安的精神空间。   随着空间的流转逐步觉醒,走进觉知自然的艺术疗愈。    
The natural texture constitutes an orderly tone, leading pedestrians to a quiet spiritual space. Gradually awaken with the circulation of space, and enter into the artistic healing of awareness of nature.
Along the elegant sequence corridor, stepping into the transition space in the backstage, the shadows and shadows are intertwined, such as time and space.
On the side facing the water courtyard, the design emphasizes the sense of flow, blurring the boundaries of space. Creating a dialogue between the interior and exterior of the curtain, the light creates another layer of scenery.
Returning home slowly, the array of lights is like a starry sky, decorated with mottled tree shadows and beautiful flowers.
Introduce nature into the forest and feel the harmonious coexistence of all things. Return to the tranquility and feel the spirituality of nature.
This is a quiet spiritual residence, and a green refined Jing 'An trip.

In order to create the spatial tonality of "Jing'an", the design innovatively interprets the green color representing calmness, comfort and nature on the walls and the bottom of the pool, giving Jing'an a unique elegance.
For this stone, the designer team and Party A's team flew to Shenzhen, Guangdong, Quyang, Hebei, and Quanzhou, Fujian for many times, and finally found the ideal stone in Shuitou, Fujian.

| 项目信息
2024年06月12日 17:11:36

