2024年06月09日 23:54:14

     沪西新地标  highly visible 天山电影院坐落于上海天山路,曾是沪西最为知名的影院之一,但随着上海新虹桥地区的飞速发展,如今的天山路已然发展成一条繁华的商业街,老旧的天山影院与其周边林立的现代建筑、商场未免略显不合。因此,长宁区政府决定对这一国营影院展开一次改扩建,并更名为上海虹桥艺术中心。经三轮历时五年的设计招投标竞赛,BAU最终胜出,并获得了上海天山电影院改扩建设计合同。


highly visible

The project is located in Tianshan Road, the new commercial boulevard in Hongqiao, one of Shanghai’s high activity districts. It is surrounded by brightly lit shopping malls built this century. This development replaces and expands on the existing state run cinema centre on the site. The project was the subject of three rounds of invited competition over 5 years before BAU was contracted to design the project.


exposure to difference

This project includes both traditional and modern programs of mass entertainment: theatre (1000 seats) and cinema (seven of various capacities). Usually seen as separate programs and increasingly supported by distinctly different user groups, this project presents the opportunity for the two different programs and variable patrons to engage. Articulating the programs as separate objects and linking them via an enclosed plaza creates an in-between-space in which the differences between the programs are enhanced, the potential for cross-patronage is maximised, and cross-fertilisation between the performing arts is encouraged.


an assemblage of difference

The theatre is developed as a stone monolith (a traditional material for a traditional program) with rounded articulation and a theatrical staircase. The cinemas are an ensemble of stacked metal boxes (a 20th Century material for a 20th Century program), the largest of which is suspended above the street corner. The enclosed plaza or mixing-lobby has ticket offices, café, flexible exhibition and event space, and open views to the external plaza and streetscape, also designed by BAU.





