华润创新综合体:打破传统购物中心布局,独特的空间体验—— 深圳·华润置地笋岗中心
2024年05月30日 23:25:11

华润置地笋岗中心·万象食家 10 Design 国际建筑设计公司10 Design(隶属于Egis集团)成功地将一个前仓库用地改造成了一个零售-美食目的地,标志着正在进行的Sungang工业区改造的一个重要里程碑。 Text description provided by the architects. International architecture practice 10 Design (part of Egis Group) has successfully converted a former warehouse site into a retail-gastronomy destination, marking an important milestone for the ongoing transformation of the Sungang industrial area. 


10 Design

国际建筑设计公司10 Design(隶属于Egis集团)成功地将一个前仓库用地改造成了一个零售-美食目的地,标志着正在进行的Sungang工业区改造的一个重要里程碑。

Text description provided by the architects. International architecture practice 10 Design (part of Egis Group) has successfully converted a former warehouse site into a retail-gastronomy destination, marking an important milestone for the ongoing transformation of the Sungang industrial area. 


10 Design受委托将该地块重新设计成一个78,890平方米的零售和餐饮空间,并在上面建造两座甲级写字楼。 作为笋岗城市更新的重点项目之一,其总体规划还包括住宅和服务式公寓大楼和公共设施等多元业态。

10 Design was commissioned to reimagine the site into a 78,890sqm retail and F&B space topped with two Grade-A office towers. As part of the urban regeneration plan, the masterplan also includes residential and serviced apartment towers, resettlement housing, and public amenities.


此创新方案由两位设计董事其文特 (Ted Givens) 和黄劲荣 (Chin Yong Ng) 共同领导,项目的核心理念是打破传统购物中心布局,从传统市集广场中汲取灵感,创造让公众同乐的聚会场所。

Jointly led by two Design Principals, Ted Givens, and Chin Yong Ng, the concept for this new development breaks away from the conventional shopping mall design and instead draws inspiration from a traditional market square, creating a vibrant central meeting place for the community.


The compelling frontage of MixC Sungang is marked by a sculptural stainless steel canopy that pulls visitors into a pedestrianized retail street, creating a dynamic boulevard for shoppers and diners to enjoy.


The retail street is punctuated by the shopping mall entrance - the jewel of the scheme. The design of the entrance is animated by three floating food truck-inspired structures, which creates a unique spatial experience for dining and gastronomic experiences.

项目的空间布局模糊了两种传统商业空间:商业步行街和商场之间的界限,使两者在空间上互相融合渗透。   华润置地笋岗中心 提供了一种沉浸式的感官体验,以吸引来自各种背景和年龄组的消费者。  

By weaving the concept of the traditional marketplace and experiential retail together, MixC Sungang provides an immersive sensory experience to attract consumers from all backgrounds and age groups.


诚如 10 Design 首席营运总裁欧阳翠珊 (Miriam Auyeung) 所说,华润置地笋岗中心将成为推动笋岗 CBD 崛起的强力引擎。同时,项目更在快节奏的城市生活之中为人们提供了一个与自然及社区重新建立联系的场所和对现代生活方式的全新演绎。

MixC Sungang is becoming a new catalyst of growth in this emerging CBD, as highlighted by Chief Operating Officer Miriam Auyeung. However, it also acts as a lifestyle complex that offers a rare opportunity for citizens to reconnect with nature and their communities in the bustling city of Shenzhen.



建筑设计:10 Design
面积:181210  m2
摄影:SeilaoJiong Photography


