《消失的房子》是为 2021年第二届武汉东湖国际生态雕塑双年展而创作的作品。展场位于武汉石门峰纪念公园内。石门峰纪念公园是一处陵园,环境优美,空间氛围静谧,这里是逝者安息的地方,场所蕴含思念、怀念、祭奠的气息。《消失的房子》的创作意图为契合这一特殊的场所属性。 "The Vanished House" was a work created for the second East Lake International Ecological Sculpture Biennale held in Wuhan in 2021. The venue for the exhibition was Wuhan Shimenfeng Memorial Park, a cemetery with beautiful environment and a tranquil spatial atmosphere. A place where the deceased rest peacefully, the venue has an ambience suitable for memorial and mourning activities. "The Vanished House" was created as an echo to this special attribute of the venue.
《消失的房子》是为 2021年第二届武汉东湖国际生态雕塑双年展而创作的作品。展场位于武汉石门峰纪念公园内。石门峰纪念公园是一处陵园,环境优美,空间氛围静谧,这里是逝者安息的地方,场所蕴含思念、怀念、祭奠的气息。《消失的房子》的创作意图为契合这一特殊的场所属性。
"The Vanished House" was a work created for the second East Lake International Ecological Sculpture Biennale held in Wuhan in 2021. The venue for the exhibition was Wuhan Shimenfeng Memorial Park, a cemetery with beautiful environment and a tranquil spatial atmosphere. A place where the deceased rest peacefully, the venue has an ambience suitable for memorial and mourning activities. "The Vanished House" was created as an echo to this special attribute of the venue.
作品体现的是肆意生长的爬山虎包裹着一所房子,这所房子是家园和故园的象征,当把 “房子”抽离后,爬山虎的包裹状态就成了对消失的过往生活空间的记忆,对过去生活空间的记忆就是对过去人和事情的追忆与缅怀。《消失的房子》是一处可以参与和体验的纪念性空间。
The work presents a house covered in sprawling ivies. A symbol of hearth and home, this house, as detached, leaves a space formed by the wrapping creepers. It is the remembrance of a vanished living space and thus of the people and things of the past. "The Vanished House" is a memorial space that invites visitors to participate in and experience.
After they settled on a "vanished" house to resonate with the exhibition venue, the key question for the designers was what kind of house to choose. In the beginning, they thought about choosing a house type with features specific to Wuhan to present locality. After research, however, they found that the city's old buildings, especially residential ones, didn't have obvious local features, while public constructions representative of Wuhan were not reasonable choices for such an environment. Finally, the team decided to choose the simplest image that a house could be. Involving neither locality nor extra symbols, it was just a simple house that resembled a child's sketch. The form, without many contrivances, adds more simplicity and purity to the work, while the patterns of the sprawling creepers introduce more sophistication.
在空间形象确定好后,面临的任务是怎样通过爬山虎的生长状态来表达房子的消失感。为此,我们用硬卡纸制作了一个 1:10的房子的模型。这样做的好处是我们可以在模型上直接画出爬山虎,通过手绘这一方式表现出爬山虎的生长状态,能很好的控制爬山虎的疏密,藤蔓的粗细以及爬山虎在墙体上的转折与衔接。手绘的过程是整个作品创作中最为感性也最富有激情的时刻,这一方式的采用使作品带有鲜明的“手工感”和“绘画性”。
After the spatial form was confirmed, the designers had to figure out how to convey the sense of a vanished house through the status of the creepers. To that end, they made a 1:10 miniature of the house with cardboard and sketched ivies on the model to present the growing status of the plants. In this way, the designers could control the density and size of the vines as well as the turns and connections they present on the walls. The process of sketching was the most sentimental and exciting part of the creation, and has brought a distinctive feature of handicrafts and paintings to the work.
Model ? Field Conforming Studio
Model ? Field Conforming Studio
Model ? Field Conforming Studio
当爬山虎在模型上绘制好后,接下来是最为枯燥和繁琐的工作 ——转矢量文件。因为,作品最终是采用耐候钢激光雕刻的技术来实施。因此,我们把房子模型分拆开以便于高清扫描。把扫描文件在电脑中手动转成可以激光雕刻的矢量文件是一项费时费工且枯燥的工作。除了线条需要一根根手动描绘之外,最为重要的是线条在空间转折处的衔接问题,这一环节的工作需要非常用心,直到下厂制作时我们一直都在调整和反复检查。
The most insipid, tedious work then followed. After the vines were sketched on the miniature, the designers converted them into vector files. As the final work would be realized through laser engraving on Corten steel, they broke down the model for high-resolution scanning and then manually converted the scanned files into vector files available for laser engraving. It was a time-consuming, tedious work. In addition to drawing the lines one by one, the most important procedure was to deal with the connections at where the lines turned. It was a step that needed the team to pay much special attention to. They had been modifying and checking the details until manufacturing was started in the factory.
Model ? Field Conforming Studio
作品采用的材料是耐候钢板,工艺采用的是激光切割。选择这一材料的原因有两点。首先,耐候钢生锈后的暗红色能很好的表现爬山虎的藤蔓肌理。再者,《消失的房子》营造的是一处人可以进入的空间,爬山虎形成的墙体在不依赖其它结构形式的情况下需要一定的强度以构成空间, 2厘米厚的钢板具备自支撑的结构强度。随着时间的推移,耐候钢板在日晒雨淋后颜色会越发深沉,这件作品的创作意图也会越发突出。
The material used for the work is Corten steel, which was treated through a laser cutting process. There are two reasons why they chose Corten steel. First, after rusting, Corten steel turns crimson, a color that can well express the texture of the creepers' vines. Second, "The Vanished House" creates a space that people can enter. As the wall is formed by ivies, it needs certain strength to form a space without relying on other structural forms, and the two-centimeter-thick Corten steel plates provide the structural strength required for the wall to support itself. Over time, the color of the Corten steel plates will get darker with sunshine and rain, and the intention of this work will become increasingly prominent.
Front elevation ? Field Conforming Studio
Right elevation ? Field Conforming Studio