通过模糊外观的物体设计一个新空间 | 日本·《荷花香》艺术空间
2024年05月13日 13:29:50

设计理念 该项目是为一种日本舞蹈设计的装置艺术空间,莲花在日本是一种神圣的花。通常在日本花园中,荷花盛开的清晨,荷花池塘会笼罩在一层薄雾中,雾气似乎能够显现出莲花的清香。在日本,雾代表着深邃,具有神圣的气氛。它是由微妙的光线和捕捉光线的水粒子形成的薄雾。该项目试图通过具有如此模糊外观的物体来设计一个新的空间。 Design concept


Design concept
An installation art space for Japanese dance. The lotus is a sacred flower in Japan. In Japanese gardens, ponds with lotus flowers are usually shrouded in a light mist in the early morning when the flowers are in bloom. A fog seems to visualize the fragrance of lotus flowers. In Japan, fog represents profundity and has a sacred atmosphere. It is a mist formed by delicate light and water particles that catch the light. I tried to design a new space by objects that have such a vague appearance.


"Lines" that fill the space. A hazy, misty existence created by countless "lines". The "line" has a Japanese beauty, as if it softly absorbs light, rather than strongly repelling it.  By designing the sparseness of how the lines come together, a gradation with shades of transparency is drawn, spreading across the space. The delicate artwork touches the light and depicts the vague figure of light, revealing the existence of the air that fills the space.


一个似乎笼罩在升起的雾气中的空间发展出日本舞蹈。1000多条线是由4毫米见方的极薄木方条组成。这些线条附着在精致的格子上,由直径约 1.0 毫米的金属杆组装而成,并悬挂在天花板上。这些方木的平面位置、高度等空间点,通过3D建模设计技术逐一计算、放置,营造出雾状的光影层次。它遵循维护日本花园之美的园丁的方式,通过修剪树木来调整枝叶的密度,创建稀疏和密集的渐变,以设计透明度和深度。4毫米见方的超细方材的材质为日本扁柏,在日本,日本扁柏被认为是神居住的树。这种材料是由保护柏树林的稀疏木材碎片制成的。因此,该装置是一种可持续的设计,可以通过改变线条数量和线条排列以多种方式开发以适应不同的空间。 
A space that seems to be enveloped in a rising mist develops Japanese Dance. The more than 1,000 lines are made of very thin wooden squares of 4 mm square. The lines are attached to a delicate lattice, assembled with metal rods of about 1.0 mm in diameter, and are suspended from the ceiling. The spatial points, such as the planar position and height of these square timbers, are calculated and placed, one by one, using 3D modeling design technology to create a fog-like gradation of light. It follows the way gardeners who maintain the beauty of Japanese gardens adjust the density of branches and leaves by pruning trees, creating gradations of sparseness, and denseness to design transparency and depth. The material for the 4mm square ultra-fine square lumber is Japanese cypress. In Japan, the Japanese cypress is considered to be a tree in which the gods dwell. This material is made from the scraps of thinned wood that protect the cypress forests. As a result, this installation is a sustainable design that can be developed in a variety of ways to suit different spaces by changing the number of lines and the arrangement of the lines. 


日本空间的美感是由脆弱和微弱的光线产生的阴影所设计和创造的。正如谷崎纯一郎在他的《In Praise of Shadows》中所讨论的那样,这也是日本人在空间中的美感。换句话说,日本空间设计的主旨不是设计形式本身,而是设计对形式的操纵所带来的效果,我们也同样继承了这个主题。从天空倾泻而下的线条数不胜数,像一个巨大的薄雾般的身影,覆盖着整个空间。舞者们笼罩在升起的雾中。雾轻轻地捕捉光线,雾通过光线改变其外观。这使舞者沉浸在光中。我们能够创造一个与光线产生共鸣并柔和地包围舞者的空间设计。
The beauty of Japanese space is designed and created by the shades of shadow created by the fragile and weak light. It is also the Japanese sense of beauty in space, as discussed by Junichiro Tanizaki in his "In Praise of Shadows". In other words, the main theme of Japanese spatial design is not to design the form itself, but to design the effect brought about by the manipulation of the form. We have inherited that theme as well. Lines pouring down from the sky gathered in countless numbers, appearing as a huge mist-like figure, covering the space. The dancers are enveloped in a rising fog. The fog gently catches the light, and the fog changes its appearance by the light. This envelops the dancers in light. We were able to create a space design that resonates with the light and softly envelops the dancers.


