2023年12月29日 14:45:55

7 月 9 日,在布宜诺斯艾利斯市中心的布宜诺斯艾利斯大道上,"阿根廷企业大学"(UADE)城市校区扩建和改造项目的启动,意味着在新的城市生活习惯中,考虑到教育形式方面的巨大代际变化,领导了一项最重要的活动、 不同的一对一行为所产生的新的空间秩序及其对大学实践和现代教学技术的影响,尤其是,在这种情况下,UADE 学生人数的持续增长,以及大学未来的战略方针。 Generating the project of expansion and enhancement of the Urban Campus of the “Universidad Argentina de la Empresa” / UADE, in the central area of the City of Buenos Aires on 9th of July Avenue, meant leading one of the most important events of the new urban habits, taking into account the great generational changes regarding educational formats, the new spatial order derived from the different one on one behaviors and their impact on university practices and the modern technologies applied to teaching and, in particular, in this case, the permanent growth of UADE's student body and, together with this, the University's future strategic guidelines.

7 月 9 日,在布宜诺斯艾利斯市中心的布宜诺斯艾利斯大道上,"阿根廷企业大学"(UADE)城市校区扩建和改造项目的启动,意味着在新的城市生活习惯中,考虑到教育形式方面的巨大代际变化,领导了一项最重要的活动、 不同的一对一行为所产生的新的空间秩序及其对大学实践和现代教学技术的影响,尤其是,在这种情况下,UADE 学生人数的持续增长,以及大学未来的战略方针。

Generating the project of expansion and enhancement of the Urban Campus of the “Universidad Argentina de la Empresa” / UADE, in the central area of the City of Buenos Aires on 9th of July Avenue, meant leading one of the most important events of the new urban habits, taking into account the great generational changes regarding educational formats, the new spatial order derived from the different one on one behaviors and their impact on university practices and the modern technologies applied to teaching and, in particular, in this case, the permanent growth of UADE's student body and, together with this, the University's future strategic guidelines.


Therefore, and in the face of so many and varied conditioning factors, another aspect that was fundamental in the previous design task of the work: to constitute, due to the hierarchy of the Institution, an intervention conceived as a symbolic contribution to the city. All these circumstances were articulated with the need to complete a vacant space on the main front of the university and at the same time achieve a unique crowning on the upper level.

为了迎接挑战,在利马街原有的两座建筑之间修建了四层地下室,整体高度为 80 米,共三层,是一座大型的建筑工程,从而实现了为七月九日大道的巨大空间提供特殊参照的目标。

The challenge was met with the development of four basements and seven levels located between the two original buildings on Lima Street, integrated as a whole with a large-scale architectural and engineering piece of height, characterized by a length of eighty meters and three levels of height, thus achieving the objective of promoting an exceptional reference to the great dimension of on 9th of July Avenue.


In functional terms, the structural scheme designed and built has allowed the location and integration from the second basement, with a direct and independent entrance from the street, of a cultural space for a performing arts auditorium and a visual arts gallery.


Then, on the ground floor, a large double-height covered access with an open and landscaped courtyard at the back is organized towards the Lima Street front, defining differentiated side entrances. From the second to the seventh floor, an orderly system of classrooms with new vertical and horizontal circulations is associated and extended to the general circuit of movements and services of the university and modifies the order and design of the existing buildings. Subsequently, on the eighth floor, a retreat applied on the new high-rise front gives greater expression to the upper reticular structure applied to floors nine and ten.

八楼和九楼设有教室、会议露台和自助餐厅。最后,在第十层,一个具有创新价值的建议是为学生、教授和研究人员之间的合作、生产和会议提供一个 1000 平方米的楼层,名为 UADE Xperience,它为具有最高级别学术影响力的活动提供了一种不同的形式,这个地点也将成为俯瞰布宜诺斯艾利斯市广阔天际线的绝佳视角。

On the eighth and ninth floors are located classrooms meeting terraces and cafeteria services. Finally, on the tenth floor, a proposal of innovative value for collaboration, production, and meetings between students, professors, and researchers defines a 1000 m2 floor called UADE Xperience, which gives a differential form to an activity of high academic impact on the highest level, a site that will also constitute a great view overlooking the vast skyline of the city of Buenos Aires.




