2023年12月28日 22:10:06

在城市的喧嚣中 是否想拥有一个拥抱森林的机会 寻找内心深处的那片宁静 Amidst the hustle and bustle of the city Do you want to have an opportunity to embrace the forest Searching for the inner tranquility



Amidst the hustle and bustle of the city
Do you want to have an opportunity to embrace the forest
Searching for the inner tranquility

AOBO said: "On top of Tianfu, we have built a small punk forest, inviting canyons, lakes, jungles, mountains, and light and shadow. When the wind rises, you can listen to the breath of the whole nature jumping, let you run, slow down, stop, cross, explore, meditate, let the body and mind fully integrate into this environment, and finally find the true life of the "forest". ”



in a small forest with a punk style of "forest" life, 
Bontai Kanyu arrived.

项目位于四川成都龙泉驿,依托当地 独特的自然资源和项目定位,以“呼吸·森林”为主题, 构建现代雅奢风格,通过打破、消融、拆解、组合、重构的方式,强调干净明快的线条感, 打造溪语、密影、花语、绿汀、麓石、闻鸟、尘林、逐萤八大森系景观,并注入滩、渡、谷、涧、屿、台、洲、林八大象征自然的山野风元素,为城市青年构建一处不仅可以慢下来,还可以自由呼吸的精神“森”活堡垒。  

The project is located in Longquanyi, Chengdu, Sichuan, relying on the unique natural resources and project positioning of the local area. With the theme of "Breathing · Forest", it constructs a modern luxury style, emphasizing clean and bright lines through breaking, melting, dismantling, combining, and reconstructing. It creates eight forest landscapes, including stream language, dense shadows, flower language, green Ting, foothills, bird smelling, dust forest, and firefly chasing, and injects them into beaches, ferries, valleys, streams, islands, platforms, and continents The Eight Great Trees of Lin symbolize the elements of natural mountain and wilderness, creating a spiritual fortress for urban youth that not only allows them to slow down but also allows them to breathe freely.



The mountain streams, the streams, the islands, the valleys are beautiful


Returning home is like a journey through the forest. The designer cleverly uses elements such as waterfalls, streams, and small sculptures, as well as extracts the texture of mountains and stones, integrating the architecture with tough lines. With the curved changes of the line, the designer cleverly designs the shape of the valley, the spirit of the water, and the feeling of sculpture, creating a rich forest atmosphere that makes people feel like they are in a real forest.

漫步于此,感受着高低错落台阶的美感,欣赏着跌瀑的欢快跳动,凝视着水中嬉戏游动的鱼儿,聆听着 跌瀑清脆的水声,仿佛所有的烦恼和疲惫都消逝殆尽,静静的感受着大自然带来的美好“森”活。  

Strolling here, feeling the beauty of the staggered steps, enjoying the joyful jumping of the waterfall, gazing at the fish frolicking and swimming in the water, listening to the crisp sound of the waterfall, as if all the troubles and fatigue have disappeared, quietly feeling the beautiful "forest" life brought by nature.


Leisure space under green shadows

以日本早樱、红花玉兰、紫薇、乌桕、银杏、美国红枫、黄金香柳、桂花 植物为主,打造“春夏秋冬”四季不同植物主题空间,辅以其它植物,合理布局,给人们带来了视觉上的层次感和丰富度。同时,配以廊亭、座椅、麋鹿等元素,为业主提供私密休息 空间和会客的场所。整体上营造出浓密、层次分明的绿色环境,让人感受到大自然的美妙与宁静。

Using Japanese cherry blossoms, saffron magnolia, crape myrtle, Chinese tallow, ginkgo biloba, American red maple, golden willow, and osmanthus as the main plants, we create a themed space with different plants throughout the four seasons of "spring, summer, autumn, and winter". With the addition of other plants and a reasonable layout, we bring a visual sense of hierarchy and richness to people. At the same time, it is equipped with elements such as pavilions, chairs, and elk to provide owners with private rest space and a place to meet guests. Overall, it creates a dense and layered green environment, allowing people to feel the beauty and tranquility of nature.


In the afternoon, taking a walk with family under the forest is like shuttling through the forest. The sunlight passes through the gaps in the leaves and sprinkles on the ground, forming scattered spots. While enjoying the warmth of sunshine and the tranquility of nature, feeling the companionship of family makes people feel even more comfortable.

Healthy Forest Life in the Jungle

约807M的“呼吸在丛林间的立体”园区慢跑道, 宛如一条靓丽的丝带串联起各大主题景观,每一处都独具特色,仿佛是一幅美丽的画卷在眼前徐徐展开。慢跑在其中,感受大自然的拥抱,享受清新的空气和阳光照耀下的温暖。

The "three-dimensional breathing in the jungle" slow track of the park, with a length of about 807M, is like a beautiful ribbon connecting various themed landscapes, each with its own unique features, as if a beautiful picture is slowly unfolding before our eyes. Run slowly in it, feel the embrace of nature, and enjoy the warmth of fresh air and sunshine. 


In addition, the national sports field, fitness center, and jogging track equipped in the park are not only a space for exercising, but also a visual feast, allowing people to feel the tranquility and beauty of nature in a fast-paced life!


Joyful exploration of time in the forest

在宽语,有一处丛林空间 赋予以“自然、探索、灵动”的特性, 它是孩子的天堂,让孩子们融入自然与艺术的世界!在这里,运用奇趣独特的造型,设置了涂鸦算数墙、游乐堡、摇摇马等设施,让孩子们在欢乐中感受知识的魅力,激发他们的想象力和创造力。

In Kuanyu, there is a jungle space endowed with the characteristics of "nature, exploration, and agility". It is a paradise for children, allowing them to integrate into the world of nature and art! Here, unique and interesting designs are used to set up facilities such as graffiti math walls, amusement parks, and rocking horses, allowing children to experience the charm of knowledge in joy and stimulate their imagination and creativity.

In Kuanyu, I finally found my own forest!


