2023年10月20日 11:00:37

临湖傍居,自然之美。 翠意绵延,林木交织。 绿荫蔽日,阳光微斜。 碧波林间,惬意度假。 By the river, surrounded by nature’s beautyLush greenery intertwined with treesShaded by verdant foliage, sunlight slanting gentlyAmidst the forest and blue waters, a tranquil vacation spot


By the river, surrounded by nature’s beautyLush greenery intertwined with treesShaded by verdant foliage, sunlight slanting gentlyAmidst the forest and blue waters, a tranquil vacation spot



River And Island

The project base is located at the junction of Gui Pan Sea and the artificial waterway (Ronggui Waterway) in Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province. The natural geographical location forms the Jin Guan Peninsula, adjacent to Binjiang Park, with a first-line river view and a distant view of He Peak Mountain.

180 米桂畔河景 +5000 亩华侨城欢乐海岸   +99 米顺德眼(夜景亮灯)+338 米顺德塔  
180-meter Gui Pan River view, 5,000 mu of Huayuancheng Joy Coast, 99-meter Shunde Eye (illuminated at night), and 338-meter Shunde Tower.

The design inherits the Ming-style Lingnan charm and revives the architectural layout of the traditional mansion and garden. It seeks to create a harmonious environment that allows people to find tranquility and release themselves from worldly distractions. In the design process, ancient elements are blended with contemporary artistic techniques, allowing for a reinterpretation of space that embodies the enduring charm of Lingnan with its distinctive symbols.

Planar process deliberation or planar process refinement

Design evolution

[营建 360°湖屿全景度假]
The construction is built along the river

Using water as a brush and greenery as ink, painting the canvas of the space. Bringing the tranquility of water into the flowing space, along with the rotation and circulation in the space, creating a brand new leisurely lifestyle.

为此,以“问 ”开篇,经“ 见水 ”、“见林”、“屏之     ,为意境的绿岛度假次第展开。
To this end, the journey begins with "Ask the Water," then moves on to "Encounter the Water," "Encounter the Forest," and finally "Screen it," unfolding the poetic ambiance of a green island getaway.

Bringing a vacation-style living experience into residential communities, we create a leisurely haven nestled within a scenic forest by combining a swimming pool with a water feature platform. Skillfully utilizing the natural environment, we cultivate a sense of vacation and open up a poetic, harmonious, and natural vista where one can embrace the tranquil fusion with nature.

Turning from bustling to tranquil, life embarks on a mini-vacation journey, indulging in the comfortable relaxation of immersive, private holidays.


A hotel-style central pool creates a sense of vacation ritual, complemented by tropical plants that adorn the space. Utilizing elements like tree formations, seating arrangements, and creative spatial design, it forms a leisure space that combines both a vacation atmosphere and artistic sensibility.  

The integration of design and nature, the harmony between artistry and aesthetic perception, all unfold in a bright yet understated manner.  



A boundaryless swimming pool stands atop the premises, nestled amidst the shade of trees, gracefully capturing the ever-changing interplay of light and shadow, composing the leisurely passage of vacation life.


运用公共空间景   观的   手法连接城市与住宅的界面   ,光与水     雕塑   之间的和谐交织     将人的视觉感官从外部   的城市风貌   引入到内部     自然   度假的   空间     既具有空间   的昭示性   ,也提升了   人们的   归家体验感  
The use of public space landscape techniques to connect the interface between the city and residential areas creates a harmonious interweaving of light, water, and sculptures. It guides people's visual senses from the external urban scenery into the natural and resort-like internal space. This design not only possesses spatial symbolism but also enhances people's sense of homecoming and their overall experience.


The sinking water feature, the metallic walkway, and the naturally flowing curved spaces unfold in a sequential and orderly manner. Framed by the scenery, it blends with blurred strokes, inviting one to embark on a spiritual vacation journey to the infinite.  

The natural-style entrance creates a rich experience of exploring a hidden natural paradise. The tree array adds a sense of homecoming ceremony to people. Sunlight filters through the trees and falls on the ground, evoking a naturally leisurely vacation lifestyle.

Seeking a delicate balance between nature and the city, yearning for a sense of tranquility that is just right. Embrace the serenity and beauty of life in the sunlight, on the grass, and beneath the shade of trees.  


Strolling through the forest, the rustic stone and the vibrant plants complement each other, creating a picturesque scene as if walking in a mountainous vacation retreat, harmonized by the interplay of light and shadow.






We drew inspiration from the movie "Up" and created an adventurous haven in Green Island. The design features playful corridors and varying elevations to enhance the site's appeal. By incorporating animations and engaging with the site, we have formed unique memories within the scenes.



Strolling through the space, seamlessly transitioning between different scenes, allows for a natural dialogue with childhood memories. Time seems to slow down in this serene ambiance, enabling one to fully embrace the tranquility and beauty of the present moment.

The natural application of low-saturation color schemes, coupled with the artistic design of the house inspired by "Up," removes excessive decorations and seeks a harmonious coexistence between space and nature. This design perfectly complements the tranquil and leisurely vacation atmosphere of the space.

在森林中感受穿越虫洞的感觉,以身体感知大地,探索宇宙未知的奥秘 ......
Experience the feeling of traveling through wormholes in the forest, as you sense the earth beneath you and explore the mysteries of the unknown universe.

Private Grand Atriu   m

After multiple experiments with various color palettes, we ultimately decided to implement a low-saturation color scheme composed of red, green, and blue hues in our design. These colors were applied to the paving, structures, and feature walls, among other landscape elements, resulting in a space that exudes both artistic flair and vibrancy.


E   levation D   isplay  

Plants are used to create a landscaped facade, enhancing the visual hierarchy of the facade landscape and forming a scene that combines artistic and spatial sensibilities

Private Grand Atrium

The private front garden is designed as a prominent feature, employing the landscaping techniques of Lingnan gardens. Natural stones and tropical plants are used to create a natural-style entry garden, providing residents with a serene and tranquil courtyard experience.

Private Grand Atriu   m



项目从前期设计到最终落地,过程充满了互助与挑战。景观团队没有辜负规划留出的绝佳的场地条件,在最大化创造景观空间的基础下为各年龄段业主赋予更为全面的功能设置。在地产无比艰难的当下,幸得坚持与不妥协不负团队所有的努力与尝试,给顺德留下更好的人居作品,   感谢为项目付出的所有团队。


