2023年10月12日 10:09:27

塱头古村坐落在广州市北郊,建村至今已有六百余年。作为远近闻名的“书香科甲村”,塱头存有大量保存完好的书院、祠堂、民居、古巷等建筑空间。   The 600 years old ancient village of Langtou is located in the northern suburbs of Guangzhou. As a well-known "accomplished


The 600 years old ancient village of Langtou is located in the northern suburbs of Guangzhou. As a well-known "accomplished   scholars   village", Langtou has a large number of well-preserved old architectural spaces, such as academies of classical learning, ancestral temples, vernacular houses, streets and alleys, etc.

塱头古村  Langtou Village  


A arts and cultural centre adjacent to the ancient village

A pedestrian bridge over the lotus pond connects 
the arts and cultural centre with the ancient village


The building blends into the 

beautiful local natural environment
“塱”字的本意是江旁边的洼地,也引申为湖泽、池塘。古村被众多的水塘所环绕:荷塘、鱼塘、风水塘,微风拂过荷叶荡漾,俨然一派岭南水乡景象。我们设计的塱头艺文中心——“ 春阳台 ”正是立于村头的一片荷塘之中。    

The word " lang " originally means the marshland next to the river, and its meaning also extends to lakes or ponds. The ancient village is surrounded by numerous ponds: lotus ponds, fish ponds, and Feng Shui ponds; when the breeze stirs the lotus leaves, it makes a beautiful scenery of Lingnan (south of the Five Mountains) water landscape.  ChunYangTai  we designed is situated in a lotus pond right outside the  ancient  village.


Overlooking ChunYangTai from the entrance side

主入口  Main entrance


Responding to the historic scale

Establishing connections with the scale and layout of the ancient village, the program of the complex – exhibition spaces, library, theater, research studios, and café – are dispersed into ten individual small building units.

入口楼梯  Entrance staircase  


View of the sunken courtyard  


" Towers" with curvilinear brick walls  between building units


Building units are connected by "towers" with curvilinear brick walls and form alleys and courtyards of intimate sizes in between.


Exhibition entrance (on the right) in the sunken courtyard  

街巷  An alley  

庭院  A courtyard  

Curved tower serves as transition between building units

楼内仰视  Look up inside the tower  

楼内空间  Inside a tower  

藏书楼 Library  

亲子体验室  Children's playroom  


The stand in a lotus pond that can be used as 

audience seats /outdoor stage is seen from 

the stage of the theater


The theater can open to the outside    

,时长 00:11


The opening of theatre stage back doors



Merging into the landscape

我们在建筑屋面设置了近三十组不同尺寸的种植池,其中茂盛的水生植物既是野趣的景观,也降低了建筑能耗。一条架空步道穿梭于屋面,从这里望去,种植池与下沉水院、周边的天然荷塘相互呼应,使春阳台成为一座融入环境、高低错落的 “立体荷塘”。    

We have placed nearly 30 groups of planted water ponds on the roofs of buildings; the lush aquatic plants, primarily waterlilies, do not only form a natural landscape but also reduce the energy consumption of the buildings. The roof ponds, connected by elevated walkways, along with the ponds, both designed and natural ones, in the sunken courtyards and in the surrounding areas, create a "multi-level lotus pond system" that blends into the environment.  


Elevated walkways on roofs


The planted water ponds on the roof integrate 

the architecture    with the natural lotus ponds on the ground


Ends of the walkway leads visitors into nature    


View of the lotus pond and the ancient village 

beyond    the trees from the elevated walkways 


Planted ponds on different levels    


Water feature between buildings    



Inheriting the local culture

建筑以古村中常见的红瓦、青砖为材,加上质朴的 素混凝土 ,意在打造一处根植于塱头的乡土文化设施。    

Local red tiles and traditional grey bricks are chosen the main building materials, together with exposed concrete, to create a local cultural facility that is rooted in   Langtou tradition.

红瓦外立面  Red tile exterior    
红瓦墙面细部  Red tile wall detail    


A porous red tile screen-wall on the right and 

a red tile wall on the left    


Red tile and grey brick exteriors    


Interior grey brick walls and skylight    


Concrete stairs and walls
作为对“龙船脊”以及“ 月梁 ”等岭南建筑元素的当代演绎,建筑立面上的月牙形开窗既为建筑内部空间带来更加微妙和柔和的采光,又是观察环境的弧形画框,同时也是春阳台标志性的建筑符号。    

As a contemporary interpretation of traditional Lingnan architectural elements such as "Dragon boat ridge" and "Moon beam", the crescent windows bring not only subtle and soft lighting into the interior spaces but also serve as an arc-shaped frame for observing the surroundings. It has become the iconic architectural symbol of ChunYangTai.


Lotus pond seen from behind the crescent wall ?潘鸿  

月牙窗  Crescent windows  


View of the lit café and dining at dusk    


View of ChunYangTai from lotus ponds    


ChunYangTai at dusk    

————————   图  纸   ————————

总图  Site plan

地下一层平面  Basement plan

一层平面  1st floor plan

二层平面  2nd floor plan

屋顶平面 Roof plan

剖面 Section 1-1

剖面 Section 2-2

剖面 Section 3-3

立图 Elevations

项目信息/Project Info    

客户 / Client:  广东省唯品会慈善基金会/ Guangdong Vipshop Philanthropic Foundation

地点 / Location:  广州市花都区炭步镇塱头古村 / Langtou ancient village, Tanbu Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou

主持设计 / Principal Architects:  张永和,鲁力佳 / Yung Ho Chang, Lijia Lu

项目团队/Project Team:  程艺石,梁小宁, 叶冬青  / Cheng Yishi,
Liang Xiaoning, Ye Dongqing

设计合作/ Collaboration:  华南理工大学建筑设计研究院/ Architectural Design & Research Institute of SCUT

室内及常设展设计 / Interior & Exhibition Design: 陸工作室, XL Studio ,新纪元-成工作室,访落工作室 / Lu+Architects, XL Studio, Cheng Studio, Beijing Fangluo Studio

景观设计 / Landscape Design: 广州怡境景观设计 有限公司 / GVL Group

照明设计 / Lighting Design: 栋梁国际照明设计 / Toryo International Lighting Design Center

建筑面积 / Building Area:   8602 ㎡

基地面积 / Site Area:  7217 

建筑高度 / Building Height:  12 m

设计时间 / Design Period:  2021

竣工时间 / Completion Time:   2023

摄影师  Photographer 田方方 / Tian Fangfang


