2023年09月18日 09:24:03

抛开地产的精致 让日常的景观生长 让自然成为日常 我们决定从“日常的风景”开始 在公共环境之下 回归日常,质朴的造景





▲ 项目鸟瞰图

Aerial view of the project

中新智慧园位于广东省广州市黄埔区知识城,由中新广州知识城投资开发有限公司自主开发并独立运营首个旗舰产业园项目,总建筑面积约18 万平方米,由展示交流区、产业孵化区、产业加速区、生活配套区四大社群共12栋各具功能特色的建筑组建而成,总投资逾14 亿元。 园区景观设计目的为了打造生态绿色,自然休闲的园区办公环境,也为生活配套注入城市之中的自然情感,希望成为开放共享的自然景观。

Located in Knowledge City, Huangpu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, Sino-Singapore Wisdom Park is the first flagship industrial park project independently developed and operated by Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City Investment and Development Co., LTD., with a total floor area of about 180,000 square meters. It is composed of 12 buildings with different functions and characteristics in four communities: exhibition and exchange area, industrial incubation area, industrial acceleration area and living support area. The total investment exceeded 1.4 billion yuan. The purpose of the park landscape design is to create an ecological green, natural and leisure office environment in the park, but also to inject the natural emotion in the city into the life support, hoping to become an open and shared natural landscape.


设计团队没有强行的融入更多的功能,反而是大量绿地留白,空出场地为社区社交活动提供更多可能性——可以是 城市活动的发生地,或是户外办公休憩、休闲的步道,更是与山间原野相联系的自然之地 ,所以运用梯田、山涧、旱溪等元素打造山水阡陌的野趣效果,在繁忙的城市办公生活获得一丝舒展的自然林地。 满足各方面的诉求下能以非常轻松的姿态对外开放,公众能放松愉悦地参与其中。

The buildings around the Sino-Singapore Wisdom Park are mainly office buildings, and there are also convenient dining life embryos. The entrance and exit of the building are open to the outside, so the public space of outdoor and public link is particularly important in the design. The particularity of the entrance, the style of the park, and the continuation of the leisure landscape pieces in the public space all closely link the park with the surrounding office space.

The design team did not forcibly integrate more functions, but left a large number of green Spaces empty, providing more possibilities for community social activities - it can be the site of urban activities, or outdoor office, leisure and leisure trails, but also a natural place connected with the mountain wilderness, so the use of terraced fields, mountain streams, dry streams and other elements to create a wild effect of mountains and rivers. Get a stretch of natural woodland in the busy city office life. It can be opened to the outside world with a very relaxed attitude to meet the demands of all aspects, and the public can relax and participate in it happily.

梯田是一种静态的美,以梯田作为入口景观打造人与大自然和谐画面。 随着台阶步入园区内部,层层叠叠的梯田景观,营造着自然生态的美。

Terrace is a static beauty. The terrace is used as the entrance landscape to create a harmonious picture between man and nature. As the steps step into the interior of the park, the layered terrace landscape creates the beauty of natural ecology.

▲ 园区主入口台阶

Project entrance step



梯田之美,是时间的产物。 无论是生机勃发的初春里,农作物枝条吐露出来的的新芽;还是炎炎夏日田间偶尔吹来的一阵凉风;抑或是金秋时节柔软阡陌收获喜悦的;又或是落叶时雪落清冷,万里澄明……每一季的山腰梯田,都是自然的变奏。

The beauty of the terraces is the product of time. Whether it is the vibrant early spring, the new buds of crop branches, or the cool breeze occasionally blowing in the fields in summer, or the soft fields harvest joy in the golden autumn; Or when the snow falls in the middle of winter, it is cold and clear... The hillside terraces of each season are variations of nature.

▲ 园区次入口台阶在夏季郁郁葱葱
Project entrance step

▲ 冬日的次入口,树影拉长,见证四季的变化
Project entrance step


In the natural rise and fall, in the circuitous, overlapping, winding and ritual, echoing the initiation and transition of the steps, and finally suddenly enlightened.


In the busy city life, we often yearn for those distant mountains. Especially in the hot summer, I always want to find a place where my soul can be washed. And that picturesque mountain stream is a pure land in my heart. The combination of overlapping rocks and overlapping water simulates the clear nature of a mountain stream. Under the action of the terrain, a clearly visible scenery in the quiet mountains, fresh and comfortable.

山涧的美,是那种不加修饰的自然之美。   无论是那些老桩陈枝,还是那些蓬勃生长的嫩草新苗,都在这里展示着最真实、最生动的自己。在层层叠叠的山石上,水的参与便有了灵性。  

The beauty of the mountain stream is the beauty of nature without modification. Whether it is those old plants, or those vigorous growth of new seedlings, are here to show the most real and vivid themselves. On the layers of mountains and rocks, the participation of water will have spirituality.


There will be a lively natural scenery in the entire urban environment, and we can also have a physical and mental massage during the busy urban work.


The roads and dry streams in the park are interspersed with crisscross fields.Here is a landscape simulating natural stream system, with natural stone paving winding up and down between the terrain, plant groups scattered dotted, dry stones naturally exposed like a dry riverbed, in case of rain confluence, also like the law of nature.


The dry stream makes full use of the form of the depression, alleviates the problem of flooding in the rainy season in the south, and is well combined with the sponge city requirements



Walking on the fields of buildings and streams is like walking in the history of the countryside. Under the foot of the gravel, heavy, with sweat and hope; The wind whispered in my ears, with the singing of the fields and the calling of the cattle and sheep. By the dry stream, you can seem to see the old trees still standing there, quietly watching the old and young mountains.


Everyday in the park, a place full of life and vitality. There are quiet mornings, warm afternoons, and lively nights here, each moment makes people feel the beauty of life. In this city, this park is like a quiet harbor, so that people can find their spiritual sustenance and home here.


Nature lounge bar, you can enjoy the outdoor sun, close to nature, enjoy the busy office park away from the relaxed state.





这里没有高耸的建筑,视野开阔,从高处远眺,层层叠叠的植坡,草色四季之美让人动容。山坡上的休闲平台都刚刚好让人可以轻松停留。 山林与草坡关系错落有致,布局则兼具私密性与开放感, 适合独处,也适合作为聚会空间。既为园区的彼此互动提供场所,也容许各自保持适宜的距离。 享受在日常公园里的松弛感。

There are no towering buildings here, the field of vision is wide, from the height of the distance, the layers of planting slope, the beauty of the grass color of the four seasons makes people move. The leisure platforms on the slopes are just right for easy stays. The relationship between mountains and grassy slopes is scattered, and the layout is both private and open, suitable for solitude, but also suitable for meeting space, not only to provide a place for mutual interaction in the park, but also to allow each to maintain a suitable distance. Enjoy the relaxation of everyday parks.





A space that can make people feel comfortable must have its human characteristics, it is tailored to the people living or working here in a reasonable proportion, and it is designed on a human scale.



园区景观的设置从贴合人性的视角出发,深入地理解自然,尽最大可能去满足人在物质、情感和精神上的多方位需求, 它是营造的一个生机勃勃的公园,是充满善意与美好的庇护所。

The landscape of the park is set from the perspective of human nature, in-depth understanding of nature, to meet people's material, emotional and spiritual multi-dimensional needs as much as possible, it is a vibrant park, is full of goodwill and beautiful shelter.





在传统文化里,龙盘山水祥云绕,风起云涌紫气腾,预示着山水的灵性。 正是这样的灵性,从山水阡陌到城市客厅,启发我们在繁华城市中寻找心中一片自然情境。      

设计采用抽象山水美好寓意构图落位场地,流线型空间元素体现阡陌自然的自由形态,利用景观绿化丰富空间层次和设计不同的体验空间,塑造出一个自然生态的户外办公       环境,激活场地的生命力和参与度。      



方案 平面      








景观面积:约64200 ㎡





