黄色长管绕出来的趣味街头艺术装置 | 陌生人
2022年10月18日 16:01:04

转自公众号:Hhlloo设计网 项目是Moradavaga工作室为瑞典厄勒布鲁市2022年OpenArt音乐节打造的艺术装置,将“fr?mling”一词(瑞典语为“陌生人”)可能传达的模糊性和多重含义,以及它面对不同个体中引发的感受和情感,转化为一组实体的、充满俏皮感的装置。 Moradavaga’s contribution to the 2022 edition of OpenArt festival in ?rebro, Sweden, transports to a set of physical playful devices the ambiguity and multiplicity of meanings the term “fr?mling” - swedish for “stranger” - may convey, and the feelings and emotions it may trigger in different individuals.



Moradavaga’s contribution to the 2022 edition of OpenArt festival in ?rebro, Sweden, transports to a set of physical playful devices the ambiguity and multiplicity of meanings the term “fr?mling” - swedish for “stranger” - may convey, and the feelings and emotions it may trigger in different individuals.



Using an ensemble of interconnected cartoonish character-like figures, built mainly out of corrugated yellow plastic tube, the piece is displayed on V?ghustorget, one of the city's main squares, as if a colourful group or family of funny foreigners, that could be seen as friendly aliens from outerspace or blown-out-of-proportion bugs, had set up camps on the square.



Recurring to a concept akin to the analogical “string phone”, the idea is to establish an analogical communicational game between different people that may or may not know each other, maybe contributing to new acquaintances or generating confusing messages, but surely motivating an entartaining conversation!

Artist: Moradavaga

Project Type: Interactive Installation

Location: ?rebro, Sweden

Date: from the 18th of June to the 4th of September 2022

Pictures: Moradavaga

WEBSITE: www.moradavaga.com



非常感谢   Moradavaga       供稿分享
本文由 hhlloo/景观邦 编排翻译

