让人想赤脚行走的空间 | 广州·囍堂
2022年08月05日 09:28:50

△ 轻盈的形态 Levitated curtain 囍堂位于?州从化客天下国际旅游度假区内 ,是??中?座标志性的建筑 、供新?举办婚礼和公共活动的 礼堂。在?州,婚礼通常从早上 7 点钟开始,但是婚礼仪式往往到下午 6 点左右才正式举?。在这?天之 中,囍堂会被作为就餐,拍照,迎宾等多种功能的使?,?在傍晚转变成为神圣的婚礼仪式场所。在没有 婚礼庆典时 ,囍堂则作为景区中央的观景台或?的地?使?,同时不定期作为各种集体活动场地。

△ 轻盈的形态 Levitated curtain

囍堂位于?州从化客天下国际旅游度假区内 ,是??中?座标志性的建筑 、供新?举办婚礼和公共活动的 礼堂。在?州,婚礼通常从早上 7 点钟开始,但是婚礼仪式往往到下午 6 点左右才正式举?。在这?天之 中,囍堂会被作为就餐,拍照,迎宾等多种功能的使?,?在傍晚转变成为神圣的婚礼仪式场所。在没有 婚礼庆典时 ,囍堂则作为景区中央的观景台或?的地?使?,同时不定期作为各种集体活动场地。
Located in a resort in the outskirts of Guangzhou, the Levitated Curtain is an iconic building for wedding ceremonies and public events. In Guangzhou, weddings usually start at 7 am, but the ceremony only begins around 6 pm, then Xi Hall will serve as a multifunctional space for dining, photo shooting, reception and several other purposes in the day, and becomes a sacred place for  the wedding ceremony at nightfall. When there are no weddings, Xi Hall which sits in the center of the resort will be a perfect location for sightseeing and allow public events for different occasions.

△ 开放的构筑物 open to all
△ 景观中的雕塑 sculpture in landscape

镬耳为形 Wok Room
△ 草图 sketch

囍堂独特的流线造型提取?岭南传统建筑中典型的镬耳屋 。镬耳屋以?墙形式为标志, 是岭南传统?居的 代表之?。镬,是古代的?种铁锅, ?墙中央突起处如同铁锅的耳朵,由此得名 ,被称为镬耳墙 ,中间凸 起?两侧低下,如同?个“凸”字,传统?居中?它来挡?防火,同时也作为建筑主要承重结构存在。
The unique streamline of Xi Hall was inspired from the Wok Room, a traditional residential architecture from Lingnan area of China that featured with wok-handle-shaped pediment. Wok is a cooking pot originated from China, the hump in the middle of the pediment looks like the handle of the wok, then it is called Wok Wall, which helps to block the wind or the fire, and serves as a    main bearing structure of a house.

△ 抽象的镬耳墙 Wok room abstraction  
△ 物理模型 physical model

设计师将镬耳墙抽象化 ,应?于建筑东?两侧的立?, 并采?负?的形式 ,将本应是镬形墙体的位置“打 开”,连通了室外景观与室内空间 。
The architect abstracted the shape of a wok wall and applied it to the east and west elevation of Xi Hall, by which two wok-wall-shaped openings were created, connecting the interior to the outdoor landscape.

△ 镬耳墙负形 Negative form / 原本的墙体成了联通室内外的部分 the wall become connection
△ 三片屋面 trio roof

两?“镬耳墙”之间 ,由??双曲?的弧形屋?连接 ,屋?由南向北倾 斜 ,呈现优雅的垂坠感 。
Between the walls with the special openings, there is a curved roof sloping towards the grassland in the north like an elegantly draped curtain.

飘浮的帷幕 Floating Curtains 
△ 屋面悬浮与景观之上 roof hovering above landscape / 悬浮的屋面 levitated curtain

透过镬耳墙形的开窗中看去 ,深?的曲线屋?如同三?悬浮的帷幕在空中飘舞 。屋?下的结构为??,从 东?侧看 ,内部的??结构?乎“隐形” 。     
Looking through the void of the“wok walls”, the dark curved roofs is floating and dancing like three curtains. The structure under the ceiling is painted white, almost invisible if you look at the building from the east or the west perspective;

△ 光线透过南侧U型玻璃 light through Channel glass
△ 结构投影在屋面内  structure shadow project within space

当光线透过南侧的 U 形玻璃幕墙进入礼堂,屋?呈现漂浮的视 觉效果。夜幕降临 ,囍堂隐匿于夜?中, 此时灯光从囍堂内部亮起, 建筑的体积感在光的作?下无比充盈 ,整座建筑犹如?只即将升空的孔明灯, 在幽幽暮?中为这???然与?祈福。
when the lights come into the hall through the U-shaped glass wall, the entire building is calmly“floating”above the ground. When the night falls, the space is illuminated from the inside, then the sense of volume is highlighted with the light, making the architecture a Kongming lantern that is about to levitate, bringing blessings to the nature and the people here.

帷幕般的流线屋?赋予建筑拥抱式的姿态 ,将?脉,森林,河流都揽入怀中 ,营造出?个精神和?然聚合 的空间,让更多的空?和光线流入建筑内部 ,在静?中描绘漂浮的神态 。
The curtain-like streamlined roof endows the building with an embracing  gesture,  holding mountains, forests and rivers into its arms, thus a space of spirit and nature was created, allowing more air and light to flow into the building, and bringing out a demeanor of floating in the stillness.

开放与连结 Open and Connected
△ 连廊蜿蜒与景观之间 meandering corridor
△ 抽象的镬耳墙曲线 abstract wok shape

作为欢聚与分享的空间 ,设计师希望为囍堂赋予更多灵活的空间属性 ,连动室内的场景与室外的绝佳? 景 。因?设计师打造了?座完全开放的囍堂,以亲和之态 ,为富有灵性的?然带来浪漫的?笔 。
As a place for gathering and sharing, the architect looks forward to bringing more flexibility to the space to connect the activities inside the hall and the fabulous landscape outside. Eventually it is a completely open space, adding a romantic touch to the spirituality of nature with a modest but welcoming gesture.

△ 连廊探入礼堂 corridor stretch into chapel
△ 连廊与礼堂屋面相互独立 corridor separated from the chapel
△ 婚礼时刻 wedding ceremony

囍堂东侧设置了?个平?与剖?都近似 Ω 形的连廊, 与礼堂两侧“镬耳墙”产?呼应 ,也连接着囍堂与后 ?的景观。这?将?证婚礼时?亲牵着女?迈向新郎的重要时刻 。傍晚 ,斜阳穿过镬耳形状的开窗 ,将囍 堂内的新?沐浴在??阳光下, 也将温柔铺洒在礼堂内部。通透的结构也为囍堂赋予了更多功能 ,没有婚 礼时 ,这?也能够为多种室外活动提供场地。客?们可以在囍堂内?餐 、演讲 、聚会或休息。
The architect also designed an Ω-shaped corridor attached to the hall, echoing with the wok-wall- shaped openings while connecting the hall with the nature behind. Along the path, people will witness the important moment of a wedding when the father is taking his daughter to the groom. At nightfall, the setting sun cast its golden lights through the wok-wall-shaped openings to the couple as well as every corner of the space. The open structure enables Xi Hall with more functions. When there is no wedding, people can enjoy multiple activities here, including dining, lectures, gatherings or simply taking a rest.

景区内树?茂密,?们从进入景区开始就置?于幽静的?林之中 ,??在抵达囍堂北侧的草坪时,豁然开 朗, 映入眼帘的是?座轻盈 、静谧的?灵净地 。?位曾在此举?婚礼的新娘说过 ,“这?是让?想赤脚? 走的空间。”
The green lush inside the resort indulges the visitors in the tranquility and peacefulness, then the graceful and serene Xi hall lightened people’s eyes upon their arrival. A bride who celebrated her wedding here once said,“I wanted to wall in here with my barefoot”.

△ 平面图 Floor Plan
△ 东立面和剖面图 East elevation and section  

建筑设计:say architects
照明设计:深圳市紫墨设计咨询有限公司(实际设计方)、向杨照明设计 YAANK lighting design (前期咨询)

The Levitated Curtain – Xi Hall
Client: Guangzhou Conghua Ketianxia
Status: completed
Year: 2021
Area: 370sqm
Address: Ketianxia resort, Conghua, Guangzhou
Program: Cultural
Design: say architects
Partner in charge: Yan Zhang, Jianan Shan
Team: Yawen Fan(team leader), Sheng Hang, Siyun He(physical model), Jin Ye(physical model), Jiaming Zhu(diagram), Rui Yang(diagram),Su Jingting(production drawing)
Website: www.sayarchitects.cn
Contact: info@sayarchitects.cn
Photograph: Breezeimage , Junning Yang
Lighting design:Shenzhen Zimo Design Consulting Co., Ltd.(Actual construction)、YAANK lighting design(Consultation)
Lighting design Construction: Shenzhen Leitbon Technology Co., LTD
Masterplan and landscape EPC: L&A Design
DesignSoft outfit: L&A Design

非常感谢   say architects       供稿分享
本文由 hhlloo/景观邦 编排整理

