2022年06月24日 11:12:26


There are several famous lakes in Ningbo city, JiuLong Lake is the smallest one among those. Walking by the lake, the skyline is no longer an endless lake, but rolling hills can be seen. People are surrounded by nature here, and the nearby lakes and mountains are more intimate. The site is located on the shores of Jiulong Lake, and the depth into nature makes this project unique. During the progress, we have experienced the four seasons, the mountain mudflat, the bayberry forest of hundred years, the rising sunrise and the sunset afterglow, which makes us more in awe of this land.

▼场地印象 Original Site

Village Dreams

There are many tourist destinations around the site. During our many visits, we found that the ancient village ruins, slate ditches, old temple trees, dwellings and buildings in the scenic area all grow naturally in various mountains and forests. Here people learn how to draw from nature without destroying the original beauty and mystery. As a scenic spot for people to travel, there is a lack of public facilities here, so appropriate development is necessary. So we hope that while the meeting the development needs, the overall design maintains a sense of reverence for the site, intervenes in the land with the lowest intervention, balances the traces of manual intervention, and preserves the natural integrity. In the current situation of rapid urban development, we can still keep it as a shelter for the peace, and leave it to lakes and mountains.

▼基地上的风景 Scenery in Site

Village Organism
The landscape architects involved at the beginning of the planning. Through discussions with the architects, we proposed the vision of a "complete village organism growing here". We tried to split the buildings into free communities in groups of three or five, and break up the original layout, while establishing multiple small town scenic lines on the natural structure of the original mountains flowing to the lake, and decomposing the construction indicators and placing them in such a primitive mountain forest. Since then, the future life map created by the project has also been part of the supporting facilities of the Jiulong Lake Scenic Area.

▼村落有机体平面 Plan of Village Organism
▼小镇生活地图 Map of Town Life
▼小镇生活Town Life

我们希望这样崭新开发的“生活小镇”能够被这片土地接受,也期待小镇应有属于自己的 “广场” 、“集市”、“食堂”、“码头”、“车站”…… 。外来的游人或此处的居住者也能使用这一系列自由散布的公共场所,并以此为中转站,展开一副岛屿与湾区的生活画卷。
We hope that such a newly developed "living town" can be accepted by this land, and also expect that the town should have its own "square", "market", "canteen", "dock", "station" Visitors from outside or local residents can also use this series of freely dispersed public places as a transit point to unfold the life on the island and bay area.

▼湖畔食堂 Lakeside Canteen
▼建筑首层画廊看出去的风景 The View From The Gallery on the Ground Floor
▼倒影在水面的光影廊 Reflection of Light Gallery

Forest Canteen
Under the concept of the overall village organism, the "Forest Canteen" located in north bay area came into being. As a part of the living facilities in the future bay area, the canteen is completely external, and becomes the epitome of the entire village, and has the first area to open the future life of the bay area. As the first stop in the town, the "canteen" will not only satisfy the appetite, but also become the starting point or reception place for visitors. It connects the path of the mountains and forests of North Island and the path leading to the shore of south bay area, and even works as a public station in the entire Jiulong Lake scenic area, and presents the life atmosphere first.

▼构思草图 Draft

In the first demonstration of the streamline and layout of the "Forest Canteen", the form of the early large-scale buildings was denied many times, because this lake bay does not need a large reinforced concrete box. In the design stage, the functions were separated into multiple small-scale structures as much as possible, and the building height was kept as low as possible to integrate into the original lake view. Although the buildings in the site are scattered, through the smooth tour route, multiple independent structures are effectively connected in series, and the design of different elevations is used to make each corner rich in its own spatial characteristics, while providing a complete natural village roaming experience.

▼夜幕下宁静的内庭院 Quiet Inner Courtyard at Night
▼人们可以在延伸向湖面的平台享受风景 People can enjoy the scenery on the platform extending towards the lake
▼通往食堂的步道 Pathway to Canteen

Village Entrance Hiding in Forest
Borrowing the municipal opening of the future planned road to form one of the entrances of the village, which can be permanently reserved for future use, the design strives to retain and utilize the original growth of the large camphor forest, and a small platform overlooking the lower village is built here, and introduced into the forest from the east side to complete the functions and scales required by the entrance with minimal influence.

Walking down the floating steps and entering the grove in the lower part, it forms a strong contrast with the upper space, and the change of elevation brings about the transformation of scene and mood. The sequence of the interior of the village unfolds from this, and the line of sight is wider. The sight passes through the artificially replanted woods on one side, and the sparkling light of the lake in the distance can be seen, and the original wildness is still preserved.

▼顺台阶而下的杂木林 Woods Down the Steps.

Flowing Mountain Stream & Creek Platform
There is a natural gully running down the hill, and the water volume changes seasonally. Water is an important element in landscape culture, but the creeks here present great challenges. The sedimentation and purification measures of stream water need to be presented in a more natural and native way. We simulate the rolling state of natural stones. From the small stones at the bottom of the pool to the large stones with stable terrain and soil on both sides, the most characteristic landscape here is formed. At the same time, crossing the ditch also implies entering the "territory" of the village. In order to make the vegetation more vigorously attached to the stone wall, designers and the local construction team innovatively searched for a local moss to be used in the joints of the large stone retaining wall. The original camphor in the site were preserved and given a new mission in the design, becoming the most characteristic and spiritual symbol of the site.

▼与溪同行 Walk With the Creek
▼步道上原生的香樟与落日的对话 Dialogue between the Native Camphors on the Train and the Sunset

The small woods gradually recovered after a winter, and grew together with the moss in the shade to form a picture of natural blending. The moss gradually covered this rocky beach under the infiltration of water vapor in the rainy season in March and April, allowing the stones from far away found belongs. When the original vitality covers this rocky beach again, a village that has grown.

▼跨过溪流的桥 Bridge over Stream
▼溪涧台 Stream Terrace
▼厚重的石墙开启了下一段有故事的风景 The thick stone wall opens the next section of story

Cozy Nature
Before entering the village, in addition to crossing a stone creek, we hope that the buildings will not appear so directly at the moment, and it is better if the scenery in front will be missed. The reason is the first glimpse of the bushes in the scene: the distant mountains are reflected in the scenery of the lake, and the lake "rises" the sunset. This coincidental dialogue with nature made us decide to place a scene with a story on the side of the stream. You need to take enough steps to cross it, and keep the eaves as low as possible, the line of sight is compressed and elongated to the limit, and the mind will be calm and focus on the distant scenery. The lake scene becomes the final forest scene here, and the original bushes make the most beautiful misunderstanding, all of which make the space full of vitality.

▼村落的面容在斜墙后缓缓的呈现 The face of the village is slowly presented behind the inclined wall

When people are walking, the stone wall on the other side from high to low becomes variable that controls the light and the view. Before the building appears in our views, we are just experience the scenery. Although we use a traditional narrative method, it constitutes a very important spatial sequence in the design. The face of the village is also slowly presented during the walk.

▼低矮的屋檐让视线聚焦于远处的风景 The low eaves let the sight focus on the distant scenery

The central courtyard behind the corridor is cut by a high retaining wall, and we hope that the spirit of nature and mountains will continue here. Therefore, following the extension direction of the big mountain, several topographic hills carefully placed at the core courtyard seem to be scattered into several islands by the current. From a certain angle or from a high altitude in the distance, the scenery in the courtyard can even continue the state of the distant mountains flowing down. There is a slender artificial water system in the courtyard, which turns from the front of the main building volume to the core courtyard. In the process, the connection between several buildings is deliberately cut and disappears into the water tray of the courtyard. There is a water collection hole in the water tray, and the overflow is completed at a specific water level. We hope it can convey another idea: the circulation and flow of water nourishes this virgin forest.

▼延绵的远山流淌至庭院 Long Mountains Extend to the Courtyard
▼庭院里的水盘 Water Feature in the Garden
▼水渠穿过墙体,连接了水盘和远处的山与湖 The canal passes through the wall, connecting the water feature to the mountains and lakes in the distance

Life in Nature
In front of the courtyard, the design recedes the space of the one-story building to the landscape. Looking past the picture frame on the first floor of the building, the lakeside grass outside is the best place we leave to the villagers to get close to nature. A large area of white space presents the best scenery. Regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter or the four seasons, this distant mountain and lake view is always the only protagonist here.

▼建筑首层的“留白”如画框一样,可以收藏湖光和山景 The "white space" on the first floor of the building is like a picture frame, which can collect lake and mountain scenery
▼雨中的庭院 Garden in the Rain
▼庭院里也可以收获夕阳下的湖山 Lakes and mountains can be enjoyed in the sunset in the courtyard

The project started in 2019 and was suspended or adjusted for various reasons. Also plagued by the epidemic in recent years, the use of this land is presented in a more unexpected way: "lakes" and "mountains" have become shelters for everyone to travel or camp during the epidemic. There are still many stories and accidents in the design process of the whole town that cannot be brought together. Fortunately, "restraint" and "natural growth" run through it. We hope that the "growth" of the entire town can continue to be presented in the continuous construction in the future, which is also our continuous exploration of the concept of village organisms.

▼村落湖畔的生活 Village Life by the Lake

Materials and Details
In this mountain and lake, we have been exploring the integration of future life and nature, whether it is lifestyle or materials and construction. Regarding protection and development, rough and delicate, heavy and light, these integration and balance have always been considered when life is facing nature. In terms of material selection, we found a local stone, and presented its natural and heavy state with a special craftsmanship, so as to connect the natural and original parts, and the building is also located on this heavy base. . Where life participates and stays, light wood is superimposed, including the building fa?ade and ground.

▼石材的厚重与木质的轻盈 The Heaviness of Stone and the Lightness of Wood

Planting Design
The mountains and lakes are naturally there. Through the project, we have been insisting on our planting discovery. We try to use the small seedlings in the native forest as a medium to bring nature to the space within reach of people. The light and swaying branches and leaves soften the hard roads, walls and stony streams, such as the rock flower border in front of the retaining wall, the rosemary garden between the wooden platforms, the cannabis leaf zelan growing in the crevices of the stony stream, and so on. The natural patch-like planting method reserves space for the growth and reproduction of plants, and the rest of the surprises only need to be left to time. Today, the "new residents" in these scenes take root, sprout and grow naturally here, and together with mountains, forests and lakes, they have become a better nature.

▼杂木林与原生山林交融在一起 Mixed woods and native mountain forests blend together
▼野蛮生长的岩石花园 Wild Rock Garden
▼总平面Site Plan


Project Location: Jiulong Lake, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province
Project area: 2ha
Design time: 2019
Completion time: 2022
Client: Lisi Group & Ningbo Vanke
Landscape Design: Change Studion
Architectural Design: HHD-sz
Interior Design:Horizon Design
Landscape construction: Jiangsu Dianjing Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd.
Steel structure implementation: Chongqing Yitong Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Photography: Ning Wang

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