2022年06月14日 08:43:55










原文出处:J Opflow


Improved Process Monitoring Isolates Root Cause of Turbidity Events


Abstract 摘要


A Colorado drinking water facility equipped with ceramic membranes for microfiltration was experiencing daily occurrences of turbidity events, often resulting in shutdowns. A new turbidity measurement system was used to improve operations and water quality.


本文素材来源于美国自来水工程师协会杂志(J Opflow, 2021,9,本人为注册会员,正规渠道获取),原作版权归原出处和原作者。本人对素材原文进行全文翻译后进行整理汇编凝练,仅用于行业交流和相互学习。本稿如需转载,请联系本人取得授权。


Public health organizations throughout the world have recognized the importance of measuring drinking water quality via turbidity. Turbidity can be measured with online, laboratory, or field instrumentation, but online measurement allows drinking water producers to constantly monitor their operations and ensure proper filtration. In addition, process turbidity measurement should respond quickly to turbidity changes to ensure a prompt reaction to potential filter breakthrough and other unwanted events.


The Parker, Colo., drinking water treatment facility, which is equipped with ceramic membranes for microfiltration, experienced daily occurrences of turbidity events.





A recently commissioned drinking water facility in Parker, Colo., which is equipped with ceramic membranes for microfiltration, experienced daily occurrences of turbidity events. The plant treats surface water from a reservoir and employs preoxidation, high-rate sedimentation, and organics removal with ballasted sand and activated carbon before filtration. The ceramic membranes, a relatively new filtration process, were organized to alternate the work of individual membrane skids as well as clean-in-place (CIP) and backwash processes.


The plant faced intermittent operational challenges dictated by water demand. Frequent production disruptions resulted in high turbidity levels that violated the utility’s self-imposed strict standards and, at times, state requirements for the quality of finished drinking water released into the distribution system (Figure 1).


Figure 1. CFE Turbidity

图1 滤后水浑浊度

The spikes in turbidity readings on CFE occurred at plant startup daily and repeatedly caused automatic shutdown.



The spikes in turbidity readings on combined filter effluent (CFE) occurred at plant startup daily and repeatedly caused automatic shutdown. At first, plant personnel suspected malfunctioning analytical instrumentation and reached out to the original equipment manufacturer to help determine the root cause. Based on the plant’s treatment process and routinely low turbidity readings, the manufacturer suggested using a more sensitive, faster-responding turbidimeter than the instrumentation used by the facility. Implementing a different turbidimeter would also eliminate potential variables and verify the cause of the troubles— the instrumentation or the process.


A new Hach TU5400sc turbidimeter was installed at the existing sampling location for CFE beside two older Hach FT660sc analyzers, and the logged data from all three instruments were collected and analyzed. Figure 2 shows the analysis process and results.

在现有的混合后的滤后水取样地点安装了一台新的Hach TU5400sc浊度仪,边上是两台旧的Hach FT660sc分析仪,收集和分析了所有三台仪器的记录数据,图2显示了分析的过程和结果。

Figure 2. CFE Turbidity Vs. Total Flow (Water Production)

图2. 混合后滤后水浑浊度与总产水量的关系

Logged data from three instruments—a new TU5400sc turbidimeter installed at the existing sampling location for CFE beside two older FT660sc nalyzers—were collected and analyzed.



The data collected at the CFE clearly correlated with the spikes found in the production flow and didn’t reveal any instrumentation error, but the results were inconclusive. Next, the operators installed another TU5400sc on an individual membrane skid—analogous to individual filter effluent (IFE)—and on the same sample line as an existing FT660sc turbidimeter.


As shown in Figure 3, the sample flow through the turbidimeters was intermittent, unlike the test at the CFE, and reflected the skid operation schedule with regular backwash and CIP procedures. Both instruments showed low levels of turbidity when the skid was in operation, which was expected. However, the detailed analysis of the data revealed different implications about the root cause.


Figure 3. IFE Turbidity, Train 1 Skid 3

图3 单一膜组的浑浊度

The FT660sc mostly reacted with small turbidity spikes at the beginning of each operation cycle, but the TU5400sc displayed disturbance mostly at the end of each cycle.



The FT660sc mostly reacted with small turbidity spikes at the beginning of each operation cycle, but the TU5400sc displayed disturbance mostly at the end of each cycle. The % relative standard deviation (RSD) data generated by each instrument were analyzed, showing that the particulate matter probably changed properties, such as particle size and distribution, during the skid operation, including the backwash and CIP cycle. The new turbidimeter consistently showed a warning about vial clarity, which was difficult to understand until some sediment collected in the vial was discovered during a visual inspection (Photo 1).


Photo 1. Sediment was found in the new turbidimeter’s vial.

照片1 在新的浊度仪的样品瓶中中发现的沉淀物。


To further discern whether the analyzer or the process was the main problem, the plant’s operators decided to implement an automatic cleaning module (ACM) and test it at the CFE location to see if it would help to remove the particles and avoid the turbidity spikes to at least prevent automatic shutdown at the plant. But even if the ACM could help, it wouldn’t eliminate the root cause, so the operators continued analyzing the plant’s piping design and processes. Meanwhile, a TU5400sc with ACM was placed at the same CFE sampling point as in the original test.


The ACM slightly improved the turbidimeter’s performance, but it didn’t eliminate the problem entirely. This confirmed the notion that the root cause of the problem was in the process, not in the analyzer.


Main Revelations.


The test confirmed the following facts:


●The pipes tapped for turbidity sampling were collecting sediment, which was then transferring to the turbidimeters.


●The sediment was washing off at every startup and caused the turbidity spikes appearing in the readings.


●Although the intermittent presence of particulates in the CFE wasn’t representative of the overall treated water quality, it displayed as the turbidity compliance events.


●The new turbidimeter helped to resolve yet another issue, which appeared after filter backwash operations. Along with rising levels of turbidity after backwash, invisible to the previous turbidity instrumentation, iron oxides and other sediments accumulated in the TU5 vials, which led the operators to realize that the filter-to-waste system wasn’t properly implemented. As a result, after each skid finished the backwash cycle, the backwash discharge would blend with finished water, causing rising turbidity in the CFE and the distribution system.


Figures 4a and 4b show the latest confirmation of the backwash influence. The filter backwash involves water from the distribution system pressurizing a tank that, in conjunction with a separate pressurized air tank, enters the filter element on the filtrate side. When the process is finished, the water that remains on the filtrate side is the water from the distribution system, preventing a pressure differential across the membrane. The water from the distribution system is a blend of the plant’s production water and water from an external source, which is, in turn, a blend of treated ground and surface water and may contain some amounts of iron and manganese. In the instance depicted in Figures 4a and 4b, the external source was experiencing a higher concentration of iron, which entered the backwash tank and consequently the filter during a backwash. When that filter returned to service, the water that remained on the filtrate side entered the CFE, resulting in higher turbidity readings. This prompted a modification of the program and introduced an operator-adjustable filter-to-waste function to flush that remaining water before that individual filter rack would begin producing water after backwash.


In the case of the Parker plant, filter-to-waste function was added, chemically enhanced backwash and CIP were reconfigured for additional chemical contact leading to more efficient flushing, and the turbidimeter taps were rerouted to better accommodate the changes. Since the improvements were implemented, the facility has minimized turbidity events to ensure and prove consistent water quality. The findings drove gradual replacement of trusted older turbidimeters with the new technology. The fast response and accuracy of the new instruments on individual filter racks, CFE, and backup lines help utilities compare real-time process changes with turbidity readings, better understand the root cause of issues, and implement solutions.


Figures 4a and 4b. Turbidity Analysis Results

图4a和4b. 浑浊度分析结果

Turbidity analysis results, IFE (top) and CFE (bottom), illustrate the influence of the filter backwash process.



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