2021年01月25日 13:58:33

凭借其深思熟虑的城市设计,天际线定义的形式,以及对可持续发展的关注,Sequis塔是印尼新兴首都的新典范。 "Sequis塔的设计从一个简单的直线形开始,我们把它变成了一系列的束状,并调整它们的高度,以创造景观露台,"KPF设计负责人Robert Whitlock,FAIA说。"我们用榕树作为塔楼的隐喻,作为一系列细微尺度的元素有机地上升。"  With its thoughtful urban design, skyline-defining form, and focus on sustainability, the Sequis Tower is a new paradigm for Indonesia’s burgeoning capital. “The design for Sequis Tower starts with a simple rectilinear form, which we turned into a series of bundles, and adjusted their heights to create landscaped terraces,” said Robert Whitlock, FAIA, KPF Design Principal. “We used the Banyan tree as a metaphor for the tower, rising organically as a series of finely scaled elements.” 


"Sequis塔的设计从一个简单的直线形开始,我们把它变成了一系列的束状,并调整它们的高度,以创造景观露台,"KPF设计负责人Robert Whitlock,FAIA说。"我们用榕树作为塔楼的隐喻,作为一系列细微尺度的元素有机地上升。" 

With its thoughtful urban design, skyline-defining form, and focus on sustainability, the Sequis Tower is a new paradigm for Indonesia’s burgeoning capital. “The design for Sequis Tower starts with a simple rectilinear form, which we turned into a series of bundles, and adjusted their heights to create landscaped terraces,” said Robert Whitlock, FAIA, KPF Design Principal. “We used the Banyan tree as a metaphor for the tower, rising organically as a series of finely scaled elements.” 

该塔楼由四根捆绑和偏转的 "超级管 "组成,相互嵌套和偏移。这种形式不仅创造了视觉上的趣味性,还产生了一系列的楼板,从而形成了独特的办公类型,并在活跃的地震区提供了更大的结构稳定性。


The tower consists of four bundled and deflected “super-tubes,” nested and offset from one another. This formation not only creates visual interest; it also generates a range of floorplates resulting in unique office types and provides greater structural stability in an active seismic zone. At the top of the tower, the tubes vary in height to form multiple grand sky-gardens overlooking the city, while at the podium, they extend outward to support larger office floors and increase pedestrian porosity through the site.





Careful analysis of the context and site constraints as well as the goal to optimize efficiency and performance drove the larger design strategy of the building. In contrast to the standard planning model in Jakarta, for which traffic and parking govern pedestrian connectivity, the tower design addresses the importance of the ground-level pedestrian experience. By pulling on-site traffic circulation below grade and elevating parking, the design frees up the ground plane for green area and pedestrian movement.



裙楼的屋顶还与内部公共空间相连,形成一个高架公园,扩大了公共、城市领域。"该建筑为该区设想了一个新的城市战略,"KPF设计负责人AIA Jeffrey Kenoff说。



Cantilevered over the pedestrian path at grade, a hovering podium creates a more engaging experience at the tower’s base and forms an outdoor public room shielded from the intense equatorial sun and seasonal rain. The roof of the podium also connects to inner public spaces to form an elevated park that expands the public, urban realm. “The building envisions a new urban strategy for the district,” said Jeffrey Kenoff, AIA, KPF Design Principal. “At the ground, the project reunites the currently separated adjacent blocks into a sinuous strip of pedestrian connectivity. In its massing, the distortion of the four bundled tubes yields not only a structural significance but also increases programming opportunities throughout the tower, allowing for large floor plates with public amenities at the base and sky gardens toward the top. The tower wall has a fin density which uniquely increases as it rises, allowing for views while reducing the solar heat gain.”


Sequis Tower integrates a variety of sustainable design strategies to perform 36% better than the LEED baseline. High-efficiency building systems, coupled with a gradated array of fins on the tower’s facade, create an energy-efficient tower by minimizing consumption and addressing solar radiation, while locally-sourced and recycled materials used in construction reduce the amount of embedded energy in the tower. 

"这座塔楼最大的优势之一就是它对环境的反应能力,我们很高兴该建筑是印尼首批LEED铂金认证项目之一,"KPF执行董事、AIA Peter Gross说。"这体现了KPF对全球可持续发展的承诺。" 

“One of the tower’s greatest strengths is its environmental responsiveness, and we’re very pleased that the building is one of the first LEED Platinum-certified projects in Indonesia,” said Peter Gross, AIA, KPF Managing Principal. “This is reflective of KPF’s commitment to sustainable development throughout the world.” 












