Anastasia Elrouss设计了MM住宅楼,这是一个位于黎巴嫩贝鲁特快速发展郊区的垂直生态村。 这个被称为“城市之肺”的项目坐落在一个900平方米的矩形场地上,围绕着中心与开放式种植核心生成了一栋14层高的堆叠体量。 Warchee非政府组织租用的底层和地下一层将包括为妇女提供的农场和木工车间。 Anastasia Elrouss Architects has imagined the MM Residential Tower, a vertical eco-village in the fast-developing suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon. Labeled Urban Lung, the project, sitting on a 900-square-meter rectangular site, generates 14 stacked floor plates around a central and open planted core. The ground floor and basement level, rented by Warchee NGO, will encompass farming and carpentry workshops for women.

Anastasia Elrouss设计了MM住宅楼,这是一个位于黎巴嫩贝鲁特快速发展郊区的垂直生态村。
Anastasia Elrouss Architects has imagined the MM Residential Tower, a vertical eco-village in the fast-developing suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon. Labeled Urban Lung, the project, sitting on a 900-square-meter rectangular site, generates 14 stacked floor plates around a central and open planted core. The ground floor and basement level, rented by Warchee NGO, will encompass farming and carpentry workshops for women.

Located at the intersection of two streets in Chyah, a suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, the MM Residential Building is a “vertical green landmark with a unified structure whose multi-layered facades act as a protective translucent shell vis-à-vis the street and the surrounding buildings”. Offering residential solutions, while giving residents a new way to inhabit the urban environment, the project “soars from the ground up as a single structural vertical planted element, extending out of the busy city life”. The pilot project aims to blur the limits between the diverse communities in the large urban context in order to allow more unity between people besides their cultural, political, religious, and economic belonging.

Innovative, the building offers a new way to occupy the space. In fact, a structural concrete facade system introduces flexibility both in plan and in section. Coupled with a secondary recycled wooden modular facade, customized upon the need of the inhabitant’s ways of living and produced and maintained by the working women at Warchee’s workshops, the MM Tower is envisioned as a field condition and not as a box. Different configurations of apartments can be integrated into the volume, giving the possibility for every resident to customize his own living space, with internal wooden partitions. Inspired by the Lebanese extended family culture and the idea of a vertical village, the custom-made housing system does not propose a plan, but instead creates a volume, allowing social and economic vertical diversity.

该体量作为一个包容性的绿色连廊,提供灵活性。——Anastasia Elrouss Architects
The proposal shows the interaction between a very dry congested area with a fluid forested vertical environment creating internal privacy for its inhabitants and acting as a sustainable activator for greener links between the street and the roofs. The volume acts as an inclusive green corridor offering programmatic flexibility. -- Anastasia Elrouss Architects

Simple, cost-efficient, adaptive, and contextual, the MM Residential Building “responds to its surrounding while criticizing its neighborhood” with the introduction of vertical ecological gardens. In fact, the 4 facades of the structure hold pocket agricultural gardens and linear planted terraces. These spaces act like buffer zones for the private internal spaces and create a direct interaction with the very congested area of Chyah.

Including a vertical programmatic diversity, the building offers spaces for carpentry, planting and maintenance workshops, cooking classes for women, spaces to sell microgreens, salads and edible flowers, high and low-end residential units, etc. The main vertical staircase, completely open and wrapped with vertical gardens, generates a meeting point for the building’s inhabitants. In addition, this central public structural and circulation core allows the working-women to access the green buffers for maintenance and planting.

作为“生态三部曲”项目的一部分,包括2项外围结构干预措施,其中以14层住宅塔楼为中心, MM住宅楼通过电动穿梭车与其他方案连接。
Part of the “Ecological Trilogy” project, comprising 2 satellite interventions with the 14-story residential tower as its central element, MM Tower is connected to the other proposals by an electric shuttle. Other projects include a pavilion in the city park, comprising a conference room, exhibition space, and an urban greenhouse. The third and final pole of the trilogy is a full-fledged farm that produces edible flowers and micro-greens.







建筑师:Anastasia Elrouss Architects
地点:黎巴嫩 贝鲁特