生活需要一抹色彩来点缀,日子是过给自己的,过成诗或者得过且过,决定权都在你自己的手里,调色生活的画笔掌握在你自己手里, 本案运用传统欧式的线脚,灵活的布局,大面积的白色搭配蓝色,浅绿色来为生活增添活力和激情。 Life needs a color to embellish, life is to yourself, poetry or muddle along, the decision in your own hands, tone life brush in your own hands, this case using the traditional European line, flexible layout, large area of white collocation blue, light green to add vitality and passion for life.
在这里,有蔚蓝的天空,茂盛的绿林,清澈的湖水,烟波渺渺中常有成群白鹭飞翔……以及时光里悠然恣意的一切美与好. 业主位于白鹭湖的别墅环境十分优美,但是面积不够宽敞,业主希望能体现出别墅的空间和气度,设计师对建筑做了较大改造,增加了使用面积,消除空间的狭促感,使建筑与环境有机结合,室内采用新中式田园风格,以简练的线条,材质的对比,内外交融,移步易景,整体空间融古雅、简炼、富丽于一体。 Here, there are blue sky, lush green forest, clear lake water, egrets often fly in the misty... and time leisurely and wanton all the beauty and good.