“禅“在上,“常”在下 徐州云龙山禅修酒店
△场地位于山与城之间 通常场地的特殊及复杂性也构成建筑的前置标签,此次设计对象为徐州云龙山下的禅修酒店,处于兴化寺礼佛轴线上,具备天然的安定气息和优越的景观视野,运营方希望酒店能为来往的礼佛禅修客群提供住宿和商业支撑。在此背景下,我们对此场地的介入策略,首先考虑遵循原始环境,继而融入,最终创造新的“秩序”。 Usually, the particularity and complexity of the site also constitute the front label of the building. This design object is the Yunlong Mountain Meditation Hotel, Xuzhou, which is located on the axis of worshiping Buddha in Xinghua Temple. It has a natural tranquil atmosphere and a superior landscape vision. The operator hopes that the hotel can provide accommodation and commercial support for the worshiping Buddha meditation guests. Under this background, our intervention strategy for this site is to first consider following the original environment, then integrating into it, and finally creating a new "order".