为茶农遮雨,为夜行人点灯 | 日照·守望者茶馆
小时候生活在乡村,家里有瓜田。人喜欢,小动物也喜欢,所以要看瓜。那时候看护的条件很简陋,就是在田埂边搭个棚子,但作为一个孩子来说,在里面看瓜是好玩又刺激的。当然还有的人家,会搭建一个高的棚子。顺着梯子爬上去,连瓜田外面的小河、池塘、还有雾霭中的远山,都一览无余。 When I was a child, I lived in the countryside and had a melon field at home. People and small animals liked melon, so the melon field need to be guard. At that time, the conditions for guarding the melon fields were very simple. It was to build a shed near the ridge. But as a child, it was fun and exciting to guard the melon fields. Of course, some people will build a high shed and climb up the ladder to have a panoramic view of the river, pond and distant mountains outside the melon fields.
黑 · 暗 | 加拿大劳伦蒂斯MEV住宅
在加拿大蒙特利尔,两位令人钦佩的业主被Jean Verville工作室的项目照片所吸引,他们对80年代的艺术和意大利设计充满热情,因此他们邀请工作室来设计他们在森林中的住所。 Montreal, Canada, Seduced by the photographic narration illustrating the projects of Studio Jean Verville, two admirable eccentrics, passionate about art and Italian design of the 80s, invited him to design their refuge in the forest.
嵌入自然的房屋 | 印度·三溪之家
建筑师说:“这片土地的地形、周围堡垒的物质记忆、森林的光线和深水排放的峡谷形成了一个自然地的背景场地,将建筑建造在自然景观之上” The architects state:“The topography of the land, the material memory of the surrounding forts, the light of the forest, and the deep-water discharging ravines have created a dominant palimpsest of contextual parameters onto which the house has been woven.”
开放性多用途场地 | 印度·圣玛丽学校多功能球场
圣玛丽学校是印度Rajkot市的重要教育机构之一,拥有超过60年的丰富历史。学校拥有19000平方米的空地,专门用于学生的户外娱乐活动。 St. Mary’s School is one of the important educational institutions of Rajkot with a rich history spanning 60+ years. The School enjoys the luxury of an open ground of 19000 SQM dedicated purely to the students’ recreational activities.
石头“制作”的艺术 | 印度·斋浦尔·石头之屋
在拉贾斯坦邦的一座房屋使用砂岩 作为主要的建筑材料,但令人遗憾的是,在过去几十年中,这种材料作为坚固且可持续的结构元素的潜力尚未被发掘。 Rajasthan is synonymous with sandstone as a building material but sadly, over the last few decades, this material has been reduced to a 'cladding 'medium and its potential as a robust and sustainable structural element has not been explored.
树林里的飞机 | 12岁小女孩的梦想之屋
Hello Wood是一家总部位于布达佩斯的建筑公司,该公司以设计出独特的Rocks度假村、亲和的建筑和小屋而闻名,包括极简主义的Kabinka、“外星”的Pebble pod或高空的Wauhaus,该公司这次设计并建造了一个最迷人、最古怪的小房子。 Based on the ideas of its client, Hello Wood, a Budapest-based architecture firm, well known for the unique Rocks resort, its lovable buildings, and cabins - including the minimalist Kabinka, the ‘extraterrestrial’ Pebble pod, or the elevated Wauhaus - has now designed and built its most charming and eccentric small house ever.