自然原型的延续与重构 | 台州·王户村村民之家
▽沿河透视 在乡村振兴的背景下,乡村公共空间的建造被广泛推行。但许多更新实践忽略了乡村独特的生活环境和地域特征,忽视了对村落本土文化的挖掘和公共空间社会性的关注,导致村落的原生状态被破坏,地方的历史记忆被抹去,使乡村丢失了最珍贵的原生文化资源。 In the context of rural revitalization, the construction of public spaces in rural areas is being extensively advocated. Many renewal practices, however, overlook the unique living environment and regional characteristics of rural areas, neglect the exploration of local village culture and the social aspect of public spaces. This had led to the destruction of the original state of the villages, the erasure of their historical memory, and ultimately the loss of precious indigenous cultural resources in rural areas.