传统与现代结合 | 孟加拉国·沙阿·穆罕默德·莫欣·汗陵墓
该项目是 Hijuli, Manikgong的祖陵(Dorgah)。陵墓旨在追忆他们的“大师”,并发展一个运用伊斯兰教知识来改善社会的机构。自11世纪以来,由于苏菲派的不断到来以及他们对宗教、传教和人道主义活动的参与,苏菲派在孟加拉很流行。该项目是乌瓦伊西·塔里卡的苏菲·皮尔的达尔加,他在当地传播伊斯兰教发挥了重要作用活力。 The project is the ancestral Mausoleum (Dorgah) in Hijuli, Manikgong. The Dargah aims to reminisce the memory of the “Pir" and develop an institution for exercising Islamic Knowledge for the betterment of society. Sufism was popular in Bengal since the eleventh Century due to the continued arrival of Sufis and their involvement in religious, missionary zeal, and humanitarian activities. The project is the Dargah for Sufi Pir of Uwaisi Tariqa, and he plays an important role in spreading Islamic knowledge in the locality.