前卫的外立面—— 错综复杂的镂空和缎带装饰设计:大学礼堂和图书馆
塞姆南大学礼堂和中央图书馆设计于 2007 年,占地面积达 14,000 平方米。该项目包括一系列演讲厅和教育厅、一个多功能中央礼堂和一个图书馆,分不同阶段建造和开发。 前卫建筑的灵感来自伊朗的传统图案,特别是建筑外立面上错综复杂的镂空和缎带装饰,体现了伊朗丰富的文化和艺术遗产,并充分利用了自然光。外立面的设计与建筑结构融为一体。 The Auditorium and the Central Library of Semnan University were designed in 2007 and span an area of 14,000 square meters. The project contains a series of lecture and educational halls, a multi-purpose central auditorium, and a library that was constructed and developed in different phases. The avant-garde architecture is inspired by traditional Iranian motifs, particularly evident in the intricate openings and ribbons applied on the facade which adorn the building, reflect the rich cultural and artistic heritage of Iran, and allow the use of natural light. The fa?ade is designed as an integrated part of the building’s architecture and structure.
戏如人生 · 演绎众生百态” 北投台湖演艺酒店 RhineScheme莱茵之华 酒店外观 项目概况 北投台湖演艺酒店项目地处北京市通州区,坐落于北京国际图书城园区内,总建筑面积约23500平方米。项目地理位置优越,距离天安门广场约33公里,距离首都国际机场约36公里,距离大兴机场约50公里,距离北京环球影城约7公里。项目周边环境优美、绿树成荫,位于台湖演艺小镇发展圈的核心地带及环球影城经济辐射区内,周边文化艺术资源丰富。RhineScheme莱茵之华和上海市建筑装饰工程集团有限公司组成的设计联合体担纲酒店的室内方案设计,RhineScheme莱茵之华还负责酒店建筑的外立面改造及酒店内部的景观设计。
WHOOSIS位于长沙潮宗街历史文化街区,近年来因多处文保景点的维护更新、现代建筑的涌入而重又熠熠生辉。潮宗街原为朝宗街,寓意朝拜祖宗,因旧时街口聚居着许多挑水工的脚夫,麻石路上终日淌满河水,“朝”逐渐演变成“潮”。而这一名称上的转变,对现如今老城更新后的社区群落、街道周边的丰富业态,也颇具时光的映照感。 WHOOSIS store is in the historical and cultural district of Chaozong Street, Changsha. In recent years, the maintenance and renewal of cultural preservation and the influx of modern buildings have made it bright again. Chao (潮) was originally Chao (朝). The latter has the same pronunciation but a different Chinese character, meaning worship ancestors. Once there were many porters carrying water in the old street, the road was full of river water all day long, and gradually evolved into Chao (潮), the meaning of trend. This name change inadvertently foreshadows today’s urban renewal and flourishing business.