鹿儿岛县金谷市新建了一所可容纳 90 名儿童的托儿所。在鹿儿岛县金谷市,2 万多年前火山爆发产生的火成碎屑流沉积形成了广阔的白洲高原。数百年来,人们长期呵护着这片富饶的自然景观,基于这一历史和景观的显著特征,这座建筑融入了高原独有的品质。 A new nursery with a capacity of 90 children is built in Kanoya City, Kagoshima Prefecture. In Kanoya City, a pyroclastic flow from an eruption more than 20,000 years ago was deposited and formed the vast plateau of Shirasu. Based on the history that the nature-rich landscape has long been taken care of over centuries and the distinguishing characteristics of the landscape, this building incorporates such quality that the plateau uniquely offers.