12,000平方米的海岸线天堂酒店Carmel Taiba Hotel
2024年06月03日 13:57:32

    坐落于塞阿拉北部迷人的海岸线 Located on the stunning coastline of northern Ceará



Located on the stunning coastline of northern Ceará


Located at Taíba Beach, in the north of Ceará, the Carmel hotel has about 12,000 sqm in outdoor areas. This vast scale allowed a landscape architecture composed of varied spaces for leisure, stroll and contemplation, such as: swimming pool, gazebo, reflecting pool, decks, ground fire, pergolas, paths and garden areas.



In order to make the most of the unique local natural resources, the hotel's large public swimming pool is cleverly designed into an organic form. It opens to the sea view. The infinite boundary between the horizon and the water surface melts into the water assembly, as if the water side walls overflow and merge with the sea. Seamlessly here, visitors can quietly gaze at the splendor of the sunrise and sunset, and enjoy the tranquility and harmony it brings.



Other spacious water bodies have been strategically placed in the garden, such as the reception’s reflecting pool, which perfectly blends the gentle curves of the waterfall with regular geometric shapes that complement the arrangement of the building. The reflecting pool around the spa adopts a simple orthogonal shape, with floating steps and flower pots allowing visitors to freely linger by the pool and feel the agility and vitality of the water. Even in the lounge where fire is the focal point, visitors can feel surrounded by the element of water, as if they are in a magical world surrounded by water.



A wonderful path between totems and walls


The paths that transition from one environment to another within the hotel are thoughtfully designed, they are cleverly interspersed between grass and sandy shores, marked by a clever interplay between totems and the vertical planes of the walls, which are also decorated with Water spouts. These sculptural elements are sometimes hidden in the landscape and sometimes appear in front of visitors, making the entire visit a wonderful experience of gradual discovery through new spaces.


这些路径的特色还在于物质性的对比: 火山石覆盖物与来自本地的石材相互交融,呈现出抛光与粗糙的纹理对比,以及从温暖到深沉的丰富矿物色调。

The paths are also characterized by contrasts in materiality: volcanic stone cladding intermingles with locally sourced stone, displaying contrasting textures of polished and rough, and rich mineral tones ranging from warm to deep.



"Handicraft Museum" that combines modernity and tradition

酒店还巧妙地融入了带有阴影植物,这些植物与周围的自然环境相得益彰。多棵棕榈树的投影与景观美化中提出的孤独棕榈、Ptychosperma elegans、Rapias、Pinangas 和 Phoenix dactylifera 的构图交织在一起,形成了一幅幅关于水、材料和光影的绝美图画。

The hotel also cleverly incorporates shaded plants that complement the natural surroundings. The projections of multiple palm trees are intertwined with the composition of Solitary Palms, Ptychosperma elegans, Rapias, Pinangas and Phoenix dactylifera proposed in the landscaping, creating stunning pictures of water, material and light.



The slatted elements of the pergola reflect the reflection in the water, creating a unique sense of transparency. In some water mirror areas, there are also floating water plants, which sway gently with the water waves, adding a touch of vivid color to the entire landscape.


在植物的选择上,酒店更是精心挑选了七十多个热带物种,为游客们呈现了一场植物丰富性的盛宴。无论是喜林芋和龟背竹那茂盛的叶子,还是不同鸢尾品种那绚丽的花色,Allamanda cathartica 和 Heliconiaceae 等植物都以其独特的魅力吸引着人们的目光。这些植物与周围的自然环境和谐共生,共同营造出一种宁静而充满生机的氛围。

In terms of plant selection, the hotel has carefully selected more than 70 tropical species, presenting visitors with a feast of plant richness. Whether it is the lush leaves of Philodendron and Monstera or the brilliant colors of the different iris species, plants such as Allamanda cathartica and Heliconiaceae attract people's attention with their unique charm. These plants coexist harmoniously with the surrounding natural environment, creating a peaceful and lively atmosphere.



项目名称:Carmel Taiba

景观设计师:Hanazaki Paisagismo



摄影:Felipe Petrovsky

建筑设计:Marcelo Franco Arquitetos

装饰和室内设计:Jo?o Armentano Arquitetura

城市: 巴西


