2024年04月26日 15:05:13

  盛裕集团总部 Surbana Jurong Campus 新加坡 Singapore 已建成 Built



Surbana Jurong Campus

新加坡 Singapore

已建成 Built


园区 Campus


于热带雨林之中,互联社区,交织协作空间,唤起村落氛围—— 作为萨夫迪建筑事务所在新加坡的第六个项目, 盛裕集团总部 不仅拓展了事务所在新加坡的建筑印记,更为新加坡“花园城市”的概念演进所贡献的一种新的建筑类型。



?Timothy Hursley

盛裕集团全球总部SJ Campus是新加坡新兴的裕廊创新区 (Jurong Innovation District) 的旗舰开发项目,占地约6.9万平方米,主要由10个五至七层高的“亭台”建筑以及一条中央步行“街道”组成。中央“街道”将这些“亭台”连接起来,并贯穿室内庭院、露天庭院、公共空间以及各楼层的便利设施。同时,“亭台”建筑被抬起,使下方的林地得以延续,低层的公共空间以及上层的办公室被绿意环抱,进而形成一种“树屋”之感。


Surbana Jurong Campus is the flagship development of Singapore’s emerging Jurong Innovation District (JID). The 742,000-square-foot campus unfolds across 10, five and seven-story pavilions clustered along a central pedestrian spine that links indoor and open-air courtyards, communal spaces, and amenities across all levels. By lifting the structure, the terrain underneath can continue to grow and envelop the lower-level public spaces and upper-level offices to achieve a treehouse effect.

This approach of designing within the landscape provides an alternative to traditional, internally focused buildings, and the clustering of distinct mid-scale volumes along a central spine evokes the atmosphere of a village, providing a counterpoint to the traditional corporate headquarters housed in densely developed high-rise buildings in Singapore’s central business district.



?Safdie Architects



?Safdie Architects








?Timothy Hursley



?Timothy Hursley


Supporting Workplace Wellness



Underpinning the design is the belief that employees should have optimal access to light, air, and green space to reduce stress, encourage socialization, and enhance creativity. 

The project has been recognized with a BCA-HPB Green Mark Platinum for Healthier Workplaces certification and is WELL Pre-Certified by the International WELL Building Institute.



?Timothy Hursley


Charu Kokate 







?Timothy Hursley



同时,中央街道结合开放式的中庭,将员工与办公室以外的世界连接起来,为员工提供了丰富多样的视觉体验,使其在办公室内也可以一览不同楼层的丰富活动和周围的生态花园。 公共诊所、健身区、母婴室和托儿中心等设施设于最便捷的公共区域,为员工及看护工作人员提供综合支持,进一步促进健康、积极的生活方式。

Workplace wellbeing was carefully considered when conceiving the formation of the pavilions, courtyards, pathways, and flow.

The program provides a range of private, semi-private, and public working environments, including closed offices with expansive vistas, dedicated spaces for research, a sunken courtyard, event spaces, shaded seating alcoves overlooking greenery, and a 1,000-seat multipurpose hall. 

The open atrium spine connects workers to the world beyond the office, providing visual access to activity happening across levels as well as direct sightlines to the surrounding Eco Garden, adding visual complexity and diversity. The design prioritizes support for caretakers and promotes a healthy, active lifestyle with publicly accessible clinic and fitness areas, nursing rooms, and childcare facilities.



?Timothy Hursley


Jeffrey Huggins






?Timothy Hursley


The Highest Standard of Super Low Energy Design

盛裕集团总部获得了新加坡建设局颁发的环境可持续设计的最高评级——绿色建筑标志铂金级超低能耗 (Green Mark Platinum Super Low Energy) ,成为新加坡第一个获此荣誉的办公建筑,也是迄今为止获得此类认证的最大办公建筑。

The project is the first office building in Singapore to achieve Green Mark Platinum Super Low Energy status, the highest rating awarded by the Building and Construction Authority of Singapore for environmentally sustainable design, making it the largest Green Mark Super Low Energy office to date. 



?Timothy Hursley



?Safdie Architects



充分利用自然光照: 利用灯架将阳光反射至室内,同时阻挡太阳直射,减少对人工照明的需求;


创新幕墙系统: 应用集成至单元幕墙网络的百叶窗、镀点ETFE膜屋顶系统、外部遮阳屏等创新技术,减少热增益,并保持对景观的最大透明度;


新加坡商业开发中规模最大的地板送风系统: 从空间下方对特定需求区域供冷,改善室内空气质量,并额外节省16%的能源;


水资源可持续循环: 设置雨水花园和生物洼地,使建筑能够收集和再利用雨水和径流;


最大化绿化面积: 设置郁郁葱葱的屋顶花园、室内花园和广阔的室外景观,完全弥补因建造而减少的绿化面积;


屋顶太阳能 利用所有非花园用途的屋顶布置太阳能电池板;


绿色交通设施: 集成电动汽车充电基础设施,鼓励低能耗交通出行;


智能楼宇控制系统: 实时监控和调节整个园区的能源和资源使用情况(包括生活能源、照明、水等)。

To ensure low energy use, the building employs innovative passive design strategies that embrace new thinking about integrated building operations, such as:

· Light shelves that bounce indirect light into the interior space while blocking direct solar radiation, reducing the need for artificial lighting

· Innovative techniques including louvres integrated into unitized curtain wall networks, a fritted ETFE roof system, and external screens to mitigate heat gain while maintaining maximum transparency out towards the landscape

· The largest underfloor air distribution system in a Singaporean commercial development provides efficient cooling from below to target occupied space and improve indoor air quality and additional energy savings of up to 16%

· Rain gardens and bioswales to enhance water sustainability, allowing the building to harvest and reuse both rainwater and runoff

· Roof gardens, lush interior gardens, and extensive exterior landscaping fully replace the green area the campus was built upon

· Solar panels placed on all upper-level roofs not functioning as gardens

· An EV charging infrastructure to support low-energy transit options

· Smart building control systems, including live energy, lighting, and water management dashboards, to regulate and monitor how these systems affect energy usage across the campus



1. 屋顶太阳能; 2.自然水景; 3. 提高空气质量;
4. 雨水收集; 5. 空间在用传感器; 6. 日照采集;
7. 地板送风智能制冷;8. 智能灯控照明; 9.高性能立面系统;

?Safdie Architects


Fostering a Sense of Community



The campus anchors the newly established Jurong Innovation District, a hub for companies advancing sustainability in sectors such as advanced manufacturing, urban solutions, and smart logistics. The district also houses Nanyang Technological University and new residential developments. As the flagship development, the Surbana Jurong campus was conceived to be a gathering place for the greater community and the 4,000 employees it serves.



?Timothy Hursley


此外,建筑中点缀着各种室内和露天庭院、有遮蔽的广场和有座位的休息区,还设有可一览花园景观的大型多功能厅和公共大厅、面向公众和员工的专业培训中心盛裕全球学院 (SJ Global Academy) ,以及健身中心、母婴室、托儿中心、自动取款机和医疗诊所等,以其丰富的公共设施和功能性空间建立起人与人的连接。

The pedestrian thoroughfare running the entire length of the site from North to South, along with an East-West connector crossing at mid-site, are accessible to the public 24/7, and allows visitors to flow freely throughout. Accessible pathways strengthen the campus’ connection to the adjacent Eco Garden—a leafy habitat abundant with native plantings and trees, natural water elements, and a wildlife corridor.

Public amenities and programmed spaces designed to bring people together include:  Variety of indoor and open-air courtyards, sheltered plazas, and seating areas;  Grand multipurpose hall and pre-function space with an expansive view of the gardens;  The SJ Global Academy, a professional training center for the public and employees;   Cafes serving food and beverage;  Fitness center, nursing rooms, childcare center, ATM machines and medical clinic.



?Timothy Hursley

Integrating and Preserving Nature

在首个热带雨林中的商业园区裕廊创新区内,盛裕集团总部身处充满生机的景观之中,且毗邻裕廊生态园 (Jurong Eco-Park) ,因此其设计旨在融入并保护周围的自然环境。

Located within a vibrant tropical landscape in JID, envisioned as the first business park within a rainforest, and adjacent to the Jurong Eco-Park, the campus is designed to integrate with and conserve the surrounding natural environment.



?Timothy Hursley



By deploying the campus’ programmatic elements across a series of 10, five-to-seven-story pavilions, the design preserves more than half of the existing green area of the site and incorporates accessible rooftop gardens and nearly 30,000 square feet of lush indoor gardens, including two climate-controlled interior courtyards with native tropical plant species. The stepped cantilevered fa?ade of the building’s eastern blocks allows the continued growth of vegetation underneath and around the upper-level offices, creating a tree-house effect for users inside.



?Timothy Hursley


Connectivity and Access

作为裕廊创新区的关键部分, 盛裕集团总部旨在实现整个园区的高效连通,并着重考虑了园区与周围自然景观、更外围的裕廊创新区以及附近的新加坡市中心的联系。


在此,人们可通过内部主街和外部人行道,全天候直达一座六线交汇的新地铁站;可通过专线公车服务,直达南洋理工大学;还可通过约11千米长的步行道和自行车道,探索更广阔的裕廊区。区域内还包含电动汽车充电站和“End of Trip”自行车停车场等设施, 鼓励绿色出行。

As a key part of the new Jurong Innovation District, the campus will provide access to public transportation that links the headquarters to the district and to greater Singapore. The interior central spine and exterior covered walkways provide 24/7 direct access to a new MRT station that will service six regional lines. Seven miles of pathways for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as shuttle bus services to Nanyang Technological University, connect the campus to the greater Jurong district. The campus also includes amenities such as electric vehicle charging stations, and bicycle parking with end-of trip facilities.



?Safdie Architects


Construction Technology



To realize the project, Safdie Architects, in partnership with structural engineers and contractors, adopted a precast system as a technological and eco-conscious structural solution, allowing for factory-controlled high-quality finishes. The precast structural components were manufactured off-site in Malaysia and transported to the site in Singapore, effectively reducing construction time and enhancing productivity. This method of construction, which was introduced to Singapore through this project, represents an important technological advancement for building in the city-state.


?Safdie Architects


