妮a妮 Lv.3
2021年08月13日 09:23:51

  感谢LLA建筑设计的分享 ▲整体鸟瞰 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所 在日本面临人口减少、社区老龄化的今天,政府部门及地产开发商越来越多的将焦点转向郊区社区的可持续性开发。由Laguarda.Low Architects(LLA建筑设计公司)负责总体规划和建筑设计的Grandberry Park就是一个在此背景下诞生的公园型商业综合体改造项目。


▲整体鸟瞰 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所

在日本面临人口减少、社区老龄化的今天,政府部门及地产开发商越来越多的将焦点转向郊区社区的可持续性开发。由Laguarda.Low Architects(LLA建筑设计公司)负责总体规划和建筑设计的Grandberry Park就是一个在此背景下诞生的公园型商业综合体改造项目。
Grandberry Park represents a groundbreaking, transit-oriented development conceived through a master plan that seamlessly connects the new lifestyle center to the adjacent Tsuruma Park.
Set on the city’s Tokyu Denen-tonshi train line, Laguarda.Low Architects’ design for Grandberry Park includes an outdoor retail village which forms a simple, European-style loop with open plazas for leisure and entertainment. With 240+ stores and a robust food and beverage selection, the outdoor shopping destination offers a range of experiences to keep the guest engaged.
Since opening in late 2019, Grandberry Park has continued to gain momentum as a popular shopping and leisure destination. With a host of sustainable features implemented at the site, the project was recently awarded LEED Gold Certification.

▲从鹤间公园鸟瞰整体 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所

Located a 30-minute train ride from the center of Tokyo, Grandberry Park is a new paradigm in mixed-use lifestyle centers. Developed through a public-private partnership, the site includes the lifestyle center, Minamimachida train station, a library, official Snoopy museum, multiple children’s playgrounds, and great lawn all integrated with the adjacent Tsuruma Park.
Laguarda.Low Architects’ application of thoughtful urban planning principles ensures that the center is not only a popular destination but also a benefit to the surrounding community.
Grandberry Park acts as a third place, a community center and place to socialize and meet with friends. At its core, the project succeeds in bringing the public and private sectors together to redevelop the urban infrastructure and create a new “living-base” at a connectivity point where nature and activity can merge.

▲项目区位图 ? LLA

▲场地区位 ? LLA

Design Concept

From its inception, Grandberry Park set to improve upon the typical shopping and leisure experience through a combination of built form and open, natural spaces. By taking advantage of existing site conditions, the retail site remains elevated, melding seamlessly into the surrounding landscape. A series of seven public plazas strategically located between retail shops serve as an additional connecting element.
▲总平面 ? LLA

▲从鹤间公园鸟瞰 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所
人们或在长凳上休息,或观看公共演出,或与家人孩子在草坪上野餐,Grandberry Park的设计旨在创建一个与商业目的、交通设施、及周边社区相融合的可以让人们自由聚会的开放式场所,以促进社区空间的活力和多元化。在全年任何时间,人们都可以在这里获得引人入胜的体验。
Visitors navigating the site are thus linked to nature along every step of the way, with opportunities to gather on a bench, view a public event or picnic on the great lawn. Creating open spaces where communities can gather alongside major retail destinations ensures that the district remains active and varied, and that engaging experiences exist throughout the day, week, and year. The result is that rather than a stop and go visit, guests can make Grandberry Park a full-day experience.
At Grandberry Park the design worked with existing grade changes to make variances in height at the site, an advantage rather than a design obstacle. Laguarda.Low Architects’ solution included bringing the area up to grade with a new sloped green roof that covers the retail area and serves to highlight the spaces in-between buildings as well as the structures themselves. The green roof of the building connects the retail to the park by creating a smooth transition while offering up breathtaking views of Mount Fuji.

▲与鹤间公园联通的入口绿色草坡屋顶-鸟瞰 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所

▲与鹤间公园联通的入口草坡屋顶 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所

▲与鹤间公园联通的入口草坡屋顶-面向鹤间公园 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所
Grandberry Park

The Lifestyle Center at Grandberry Park is defined by a mix of intimate, low-slung structures with varying facades in an array of materials. Our design allows for maximum future flexibility of the retail spaces while still incorporating individuality into the storefronts. Additionally, sections of the second-floor circulation are integrated within the building volume to help retain the unique look of a village. The result is a pedestrian- scale elevation in tune with the surrounding residential landscape.
The new arrival sequence sets the stage for the experience at Grandberry Park. Visitors who enter through the upgraded Minami-machida station are welcomed with a tiered garden and water feature representing the Sakai river. The design intent is to create a transitional experience that brings the visitor into a park-like setting before leaving the station. Ascending the grand stair, wide expansive sky, and visible greenery open to the multi-level lifestyle center.
Located in the center of the village, and cutting through the parking structure, the Gathering Market is food hall with restaurants offering fresh vegetables, meats, and fish.

▲商业街区-鸟瞰 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所
▲立面图 ? LLA

▲商业街区-夜景 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所

▲商业街区 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所

▲商业街区 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所

▲商业街区 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所

▲商业街区-夜景 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所

▲商业街区-夜景 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所

▲主要喷泉广场及大阶梯--夜景 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所

▲主要喷泉广场及大阶梯-夜景 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所

▲主要喷泉广场及大阶梯 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所

▲中央Gathering Market ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所

在Grandberry Park项目的设计中,我们应用了多种手段以达到高效节能的可持续设计标准。本项目已经获得美国绿色建筑委员会LEED 新建建筑及绿色社区两项金级认证。
自开业以来,日本多家权威媒体相继报道了Grandberry Park获得的成功。作为东京郊区最新购物休闲目的地,Grandberry Park持续获得超高人气,并获得了由日本国土交通省颁发的都市景观大奖。
In line with Laguarda.Low Architects’ holistic approach to designing healthy, energy-efficient environments, Grandberry Park received LEED Gold Certification in two categories – New Construction and Neighborhood Development. This is the first time ever in Japan that a project has been awarded both certifications.
Relocating a roadway that previously separated the commercial facilities from the park created a safe pedestrian walkway connecting the north and south of Minami-machida station.
The site adopted permeable pavement and bioswales, establishing a mechanism for returning and recharging rainwater into the ground.

▲与鹤间公园联通的入口草坡屋顶 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所

▲东急田园都市线车站出口-鸟瞰 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所

▲东急田园都市线车站站台 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所

▲东急田园都市线车站出口 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所

▲东急田园都市线车站出口 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所

▲通往车站的商业街区-绿化生态墙面 ? 川澄·小林研二写真事务所
项目名称:日本南町田Grandberry Park公园商业综合体
Project Name: Grandberry Park
Client: Tokyu Corporation
Location: Toyko, Japan
规模:70,000 m2
Scale: 70,000 m2
Status: Built, Opened in November 2019
Design Firm: Laguarda.Low Architects (LLA)
LLA Design Scope: Master Plan, Architectural Design
主创设计师:Pablo Laguarda、Ken Shigematsu
Chief Designers: Pablo Laguarda, Ken Shigematsu
LLA设计团队主要成员:Christopher Powers、Anastasia Stepanova、Georgina Lalli、 Wonshok Lee等
LLA Team: Christopher Powers, Anastasia Stepanova, Georgina Lalli, Wonshok Lee, etc.
Project Website: www.minamimachida-grandberrypark.com
Photography: Kawasumi-Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office
景观设计:Fd Landscape
Landscape Design: Fd Landscape
当地设计院:Tokyu Architects & Engineers Inc.
LDI: Tokyu Architects&Engineers Inc.
总承包商:Tokyu Construction Co., Ltd.
General Contractor: Tokyu Construction Co., Ltd.
项目获奖:LEED Gold认证、日本国土交通省都市景观大赏
Awards: LEED Gold, Urban Design Landscape Grand Awards, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan
主要材料Main Materials:
绿色墙面Excel soil (green wall):Green Project(http://green-project.com/)
Excel soil (green wall): Green Project (http://green-project.com/)
建筑立面Fa?ade:Earth Rock(https://earthrock.jp/)
Fa?ade: Earth Rock (https://earthrock.jp/)
木板Wood Panel:Western Red Cedar(https://takahiro-mokuzai.co.jp/)
Wood Panel: Western Red Cedar (https://takahiro-mokuzai.co.jp/)

