2020年07月02日 09:43:15

Atlassian新总部 世界上最高的商用混合木材建筑 即将成为“世界上最高的混合木材建筑”的Atlassian总部正在澳大利亚悉尼建造。由SHoP与BVN合作设计,这座40层高的塔楼预计2025年建成,于后将为科技巨头Atlassian提供一个崭新的创新空间。 The Atlassian Sydney Headquarters, the soon to be “world’s tallest hybrid timber building” is being built in Sydney, Australia. Designed by SHoP in partnership with BVN, the 40-story high tower will provide, once completed in 2025, a new and innovative space for technology giant Atlassian.




The Atlassian Sydney Headquarters, the soon to be “world’s tallest hybrid timber building” is being built in Sydney, Australia. Designed by SHoP in partnership with BVN, the 40-story high tower will provide, once completed in 2025, a new and innovative space for technology giant Atlassian.

总部位于纽约的SHoP,澳大利亚BVN以及Eckersley O’Callaghan结构工程公司联合设计。


Designed in conjunction with New York-based architect SHoP, in partnership with Australian firm BVN and Eckersley O’Callaghan as the structural engineering firm, the new Atlassian Headquarters in Sydney will break all the records. Under construction, the world’s tallest hybrid timber building will be home to thousands of technology workers.




Including a mix of outdoor and indoor spaces, the timber design with a glass and steel facade, “will use an energy-efficient approach that features natural ventilation and large planted terraces giving access to nature”. The project, in line with Atlassian’s values, will operate on 100% renewable energy and reach net-zero emissions. In fact, the headquarters aim for 50% less embodied carbon in construction compared to a conventional building, and 50% less energy consumption compared with a new conventionally operated building. Solar panels in the vertical facades will help generate green power on-site. Eventually, the building will operate on 100% renewable energy with built-in solar panels in the facade.




Realizing Atlassian’s goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, the new hybrid structure “is significantly lower in embodied carbon and offers a substantial reduction in the building’s carbon footprint”.In addition, the facade incorporates an electricity-generating system with self-shade capabilities to reduce direct heat gain internally. “Combined with the use of mass timber, the innovative facade enables the project to leverage Sydney's temperate climate to help reduce carbon emissions and generate onsite energy”.

我们的设计注重提升城市环境中公共领域的体验,因此,我们非常珍惜有这样的机会与如此出色的合作伙伴联合,为悉尼新科技区的天际线打造一座高性能的地标。-SHoP创始负责人William Sharples

Our collective work around the world focuses on elevating the experience of the public realm in urban environments, so we really welcome this opportunity to work with such wonderful partners to create a high-performance landmark for Sydney's new tech district, at ground level, and in the skyline. -- William Sharples, SHoP Founding Principal

该项目高约180米/ 590英尺,是世界上最高的商用混合木材建筑。在设计中,建筑的结构元素与立面联系在一起。由SHoP / BVN和Eckersley O’Callaghan共同设想,这种方法产生了一个钢外骨骼,支撑着巨型楼层。此外,木结构建筑为员工和访客提供了一个温暖而诱人的环境。

A leading design in Mass Timber Construction (MTC), the project at approximately 180 meters / 590 feet high, is the tallest commercial hybrid timber building in the world. Part of the design, the structural element of the building is tied to the facade. Imagined by SHoP/BVN together with Eckersley O’Callaghan, this approach generates a steel exoskeleton that supports the mega floors between neighborhoods. Moreover, the timber building generates a warm and inviting environment, for workers and visitors.


我们开发了一种创新的新方法,使用体量为木材的混合结构来设计这座塔楼。[…]与传统的高层建筑相比,此方法可将减少高达50%的碳排量,从而为未来的木结构塔楼设定新的可持续性标准。-Eckersley O’Callaghan创始董事,James O 'Callaghan。

We have developed an innovative new approach to designing tall towers using a hybrid structure where the volumetric mass is timber. […] This approach significantly reduces the embodied carbon of the tower by up to 50% when compared to traditional tall building construction, setting a new sustainability standard for tower construction in the future. -- James O’Callaghan, Eckersley O’Callaghan Founding Director.


地点:澳大利亚 悉尼


高度:约180米/ 590英尺

2020年07月02日 15:39:36


2020年09月09日 11:24:24



